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  1. thoroughbred

    My Buddys Super Puffer and other Fish

    Amazing pics. Those are some great fish. I love it all except for the boy band playing in the background of those videos
  2. thoroughbred

    Hawaiian Golden Puffer

    Nice pics, I love porcupines so much. I can hardly keep from laughing when I see one.
  3. thoroughbred

    coralife skimmer 125

    Im not too sure on the price, but its a great skimmer. Over sized skimmers are never a bad thing, especially if your keeping messy fish. Wait for some other people to chime in but I think its a good deal.
  4. thoroughbred

    Is a 90 gallon big enough for a Radiata Lionfish?

    I think they would easily work, even two would work in a 90 gal. But thats just my opinion, many people would disagree with me but like I said its just my opinion. Wait for some more people to chime in and see what they say.
  5. thoroughbred

    Aggressive 55g

    Tangs need alot more swimming room than a 55 gal has, at least a 6 foot tank. Stay away from puffers and triggers, both will most likely hassle your lions and need a much bigger tank.
  6. thoroughbred

    NEED HELP... want to setup an aggresive tank, but not sure on what to put in it?

    I'll address the less controversial things first: Something like 75-90 lbs of live rock would be good for your 90 gal and live sand would be great too. If you don't want to drop a huge pile of money on sand and rocks you could get argonite which would turn into live sand eventually. And get...
  7. thoroughbred

    2 dwarf Lions and an SFE

    I think its doable, as long as you keep up with it and have a good filtration system.
  8. thoroughbred

    Live Rock Looks Bad,...

    I'm to too familiar with Caribbean live rock but it is uncured after all. I agree with you it looks like crap so i would defiantly call them.
  9. thoroughbred

    Adding color to AGRESSIVE TANK

    Grow some bright coraline on your live rock. And some hermits, or crabs...Plenty or colorful inverts out there
  10. thoroughbred

    starting new tank

    Never rinse live sand.
  11. thoroughbred

    Clown Trigger!

    Defiantly not. Not for life anyways, and neither will your porcupine. You'll need at least 125gal for a clown, preferably more.
  12. thoroughbred

    titan trigger

    I say yes.
  13. thoroughbred

    Trigger Lovers Only

    I'm not gonna trash you about how your putting all those triggers together because I know everyone else has given you a piece of there minds...But I will suggest you clean that glass off, it looks blah.
  14. thoroughbred

    Curing Live Rock/Ammonia

    Well I'll try to keep em down just to be safe. Thanks so much
  15. thoroughbred

    Curing Live Rock/Ammonia

    Awesome, even after thinking I knew how cycling works I learn something new. I just have one more question. Can high levels of ammonia hurt my live rock?
  16. thoroughbred

    Curing Live Rock/Ammonia

    Well I figured they would need to build up over time to take down the amm. I'm just worried that the high levels of ammonia would damage the rock or kill the bacteria ie: trites.
  17. thoroughbred

    Doing Drip

    Maybe take a bucket of your tank water, then take everything to the bathroom, put the bucket with fish in the tub and fill the tub up half way with warm water. Then do the drip, just set the bucket of tank water on the lip of the tub and away you go. BTW I'm just throwing things out there that...
  18. thoroughbred

    Doing Drip

    Hmmm, I have no idea if this would work but maybe set the bucket on the register and turn your house furnace. Its worth a shot. Or maybe set the bucket on a heating pad... :thinking:
  19. thoroughbred

    Curing Live Rock/Ammonia

    So quick question here, I just received 50 lbs of Fiji ultra super uber amazing etc... prime live rock that I ordered off the net. It was sposed to be cured but I did as all would do and set it up to re cure for a while when it got here. Im curing it in my new 65 gal tank, no fish or anything...