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  1. spearfish

    Pictures of my tank, as promised =)

    Yeah great pics, can I come by and see your tank too?
  2. spearfish

    what's wrong with my yellow tang???

    Well, look at the bright side. It's a new opportunity to go out and get another yellow tang maybe this one will be stronger! Sounds like you got your self a wimpy tang. Don't let failure discourage you. Keep trying you will get it right one day. I have gone thru five yellow tangs in the past few...
  3. spearfish

    ok for flame angel?

    I am a serious dork and a troll, I do not appologize and hope you guys , ...............................N/M I am going to just go and pick my nose a while, only because if I tell what I am really going to pick they would delete this thread.
  4. spearfish

    ok for flame angel?

    If you like flame angels, toss it in the tank see how he goes. If he adapts then great, if not send him back to the LFS or release him into the ocean. Don't sweat these decisions, it is your tank, it's your money and it's your time. Alot of these "amatuer saltwater scientists" want to dictate...
  5. spearfish

    New Tank Owner?

    I prefer cushed coral because that way it looks more natural and sand is a pain when it gets full of algae and crap on it. Crushed Coral you just vaccum once in a while. Plus it has natural buffers that sand does not have. I think sand is for lazy people. Also go ahead and toss some fish in and...
  6. spearfish

    New Tank Owner?

    Beware of lfs, many are out just to make money. I thought the whole purpose of having a business was to make money?
  7. spearfish

    sally missing legs

    I enjoy crab soup. I cannot imagine how you can feel bad about a crab.
  8. spearfish

    will bubbles help?!?!?!?!

    I have an anenome (atlantic) and it has been in one of my tanks now for a month. I have standard lighting and the anenome is doing good. I do feed it fresh fish twice a week. If you give it meaty foods they can survive. :D Of course no one cares about MO anymore. Just thought I would post. BTW...
  9. spearfish

    How many have NEMO TANKS!

    I have a nemo tank, which i just set up with the help of my local LFS. He is very knowledgable and has given me lots of advise along with others here on this board. Who else has a NEMO TANK and loves nemo and cant wait for the DVD to come out. I am thinking about setting up a nano tank now in my...
  10. spearfish

    Sea Apple are they easy to Keep?

    You know I like arrone alot, he is a youngster and his little fishy reminds me of little nemo swimming in my tank. I decided against buying the sea apple. thanks for the advise. :confused:
  11. spearfish

    How do you mourn for the dead?

    I go out and buy another one:D
  12. spearfish

    My wife is catching on -- QUICKLY!

    Buying fish on Impulse is usually not a good idea you should have researched the fish more. :D
  13. spearfish

    Sea Apple are they easy to Keep?

    Hi am new to the board, I have set up a "NEMO TANK" it is the best way to describe it. 1 yellow tang 1 hippo tang 2 clarkis 1 anenome and a bethy of hermits, snails and crabs, some peperment fish and 2 CBS (im not going to say my tank size because I am afraid of being flamed) Let's say it is a...