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  1. urchin

    Charcoal ??/

    Why use charcoal? It only removes important trace elements to will need to be replenished.. I think there is a fair amount of debate on this, but personally I do without... Anyway, if you insist, I would place it in the sump (in a filter bag), and just let the water flow over it...
  2. urchin

    Should I go with Glass or Acrylic

    I would not know for sure, but based upon the fact that you use a special glue for the acrylic, i would doubt it could be made to look really would need to use some sealer where the acrlylic meets the glass (just like an all glass aquarium)..That's one other thing about acrylic, the...
  3. urchin

    Should I go with Glass or Acrylic

    I built myself an acrylic just to see how difficult it was to maintain a small tank (about 20gal)..I have already scratched it in a couple of places by inadvertantly picking up a particle of sand in the pad.. other than that, assuming you don't use an ammonia based cleaner on the outside (makes...
  4. urchin

    HOT Skimmer for a nano ....

    yes, not the "pro" model
  5. urchin

    Need some fuge and sump help!

    I would think you could use normal bulkhead fittings for the connection..still, hopefully you won't want to be moving these around, wouldn't want to tear the plastic..btw..i use rubbermaid barrels for making water, and they have held up really well over the years..I shuffle them around on...
  6. urchin


    Mine are approx 10 hrs for daylight, and 12 for actinic..I would experiment though. Look for other causes of nutrients, overfeeding, not freq water changes, no skimmer, too many fish, sunlight coming in through windows (wrong spectrum of light)..
  7. urchin

    HOT Skimmer for a nano ....

    I just put a prizm on my 20g, seems to work pretty well..only 60 bucks at **************..
  8. urchin


    Here's the stand I built for my 20+ gal..I got tired of stooping over, so I figured I'd build it taller (something different)..btw I built it out of leftover pine planking.. You don't need oak, for strength, just build it right.. Inside, I have a shelf for the sump, and sitting on the floor is...
  9. urchin

    Ricordia food?

    I have two good size ricordia (free on a live rock).. and do not feed them at all...they seem to get all the minerals and things they need..
  10. urchin

    Help..Xenia is dying

    Xenia had taken over my 180, had it all across the tank, waving, each water change I'd cut bunches out and toss it. Then one day, it just started dying off, I'd say within 2 weeks it was all gone for no apparent reason...I've read this before also...
  11. urchin

    live sand bed / crushed coral

    I would remove it, just for the fact that you would end up with too deep a sand bed with both layers..
  12. urchin

    Emerald Crabs

    That's one of the most interesting things in the reef tank, survival of the fitest, and you snooze you might lose..I have brittle stars and serpent stars in my 180, and you can bet on one thing. If a fish dies, or any creature, there won't be a body to recover in the morning... Just recently, I...
  13. urchin

    Powerhead question...

    I have 4 maxijet 1200s (goes with the wavemaker which I have also) across the back on my 180....and 3 on my 120... don't forget, not all corals like to be blasted!
  14. urchin

    "How old are You?"

    Paul - 47...:D
  15. urchin

    Question for Kipass about Flatworms

    I just did my 180gal. I had thousands of them, for at least 2 yrs.. I finally decided to nuke them, and believe me, that is what this stuff does. The 1st few days were questionable, even the apstasia closed up, pretty bad.. ran carbon, and did 25% water change, and sucked as many out as i could...
  16. urchin

    This will get your attention

    That was my first live rock order, and I have to say that it was the most creature packed adventure I would ever have. I recall saving every last critter that I possibly could..I ended up with about 16 urchins, crabs, my favorite worm, a nasty mantis shrimp..I should have saved him also, he took...
  17. urchin

    This will get your attention

    Once, I had all the rock out of the tank... I could look underneath through the glass bottom to see which tunnel he was in, and shoved my net down on his body as he was trying to get away..actually chopped last 3 in of his tail off.. Had to dismantle the reef, because as soon as you touched the...
  18. urchin

    This will get your attention

    I've had this guy preserved in a bottle of Vodka for a couple of years now..He appparently was a hitchhiker in my florida live rock (back in the day when it was still harvested)..Lived in the sand for a couple of years and grew to be almost 24 in long..Had to tear down the tank to get him out...
  19. urchin

    My new 20g acrylic

    Well, given that it is a small tank, I'm going to go easy and kind of experiment on how difficult it is to keep water conditions good. Now that the maintenance crew is in place, and the lights are on, I added a couple of frags from my other tanks. couple of leather coral frags, finger leather...
  20. urchin

    My new 20g acrylic

    My wife is not really into running water....ouch...anyway, interestingly enough I had a problem with the snails making their way down the in tubes, so I had to put screens on top..a bonus effect of this, is that the running water noise is GREATLY reduced.. guess I can keep the tank upstairs now.. :)