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  1. mr. tuna

    Broke up with girlfriend..

    Its true.. i really appreciate it thank you.
  2. mr. tuna

    Broke up with girlfriend..

    thanks alot.. your making a great point, because i know that we wouldnt have lasted through college, so its better now then later.
  3. mr. tuna

    Broke up with girlfriend..

    all of you are right.. thank you. Ive been very happy since im single now, and i have been "talking" to others girls, but you know.. a part of me still misses her but im sure i will be fine in another week or two. hopefully..
  4. mr. tuna

    Broke up with girlfriend..

    Yup.. after 2 years and 3 months, and im only 16 years old. Its been a week since we broke up, but its still been hard for me. anybody gone through this as well?
  5. mr. tuna

    Kalkwasser dripper clogging up on me!

    oh yes.. it happens all the time. i would be dripping kalkwasser for about two days, and it would clogg up the next morning, and then i would keep cleaning it out everyday. its annoying.. i have used the kent aqua doser, and it cloggs up, so then i switched the tube to an I.V. tube, and it...
  6. mr. tuna

    Calcium Reactor For Sale!

    not yet..
  7. mr. tuna

    Hammer coral falling apart..

    my calcium is at 480 now.. salinity- .025 cal- 480 alk- 10 ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrite-0 ph-8.2 would you think glueing the coral back sounds like a good idea? or no? because this peice is the nicest in my system.. and its ashame to let it fall apart.
  8. mr. tuna

    Hammer coral falling apart..

    My branching hammer that ive had for over 2 years now is falling apart. My water paremeters are perfect, and so is every other coral i have. The problem is.. is that the branches break at the base, because the branches would acctually start to thin out and acctually break. It has happened about...
  9. mr. tuna

    Calcium Reactor for sale!

    CR 2. Its the dual chamber calcium reactor. The CR-2 helps maintain a higher PH, other than the single chambers. A calcium reactor is a container filled with calcium carbonate media over which aquarium water is passed with the addition of carbon dioxide. Adding carbon dioxide lowers the pH of...
  10. mr. tuna

    Calcium Reactor For Sale!

  11. mr. tuna

    Calcium Reactor For Sale!

    A new MRC dual- chamber calcium reactor with a 10 oz c02 tank, with bubble counter, solinoid and a mag 5 pump, all for $300. I am located in North Miami, Fl. (Sunny Isles Beach). If anybody is interested, you can call me at 786 877 0315, or reply to this thread. Thank you. _Adam
  12. mr. tuna

    Pom Pom Xenia.!!

    I would, but i honestly wouldnt reccomend it. Especially with xenia, they are very delicate to shipping. If you are located within driving distance, that works, but i wouldnt go with shipping.
  13. mr. tuna

    Pom Pom Xenia.!!

    Anybody want some? I have many healthy frags runing for about 10-15 dollars a peice. I am located in North maimi, Fl. (Sunny Isles Beach). If anybody is interested, please call: 786 877 0315. Thank you _Adam
  14. mr. tuna

    Calcium Reactor for sale!

    A new MRC dual- chamber calcium reactor with a 10 oz c02 tank, with bubble counter, solinoid and a mag 5 pump, all for $300. I am located in North Miami, Fl. (Sunny Isles Beach). If anybody is interested, you can call me at 786 877 0315, or reply to this thread. Thank you. _Adam
  15. mr. tuna

    Calcium Reactor for sale!

    A new MRC dual- chamber calcium reactor with a 10 oz c02 tank, with bubble counter, solinoid and a mag 5 pump, all for $300. I am located in North Miami, Fl. (Sunny Isles Beach). If anybody is interested, you can call me at 786 877 0315, or reply to this thread. Thank you. _Adam
  16. mr. tuna

    pics of your favorite coral!

    Branching hammer.. had him for 2 years+...
  17. mr. tuna


  18. mr. tuna


  19. mr. tuna


  20. mr. tuna

    Why go blonde?

    Just wondering.. With naso tangs reach a certain size, they get these ''strings'' coming from there tail fin. I was wondering though.. is that only with blinde naso tangs? or also the reg. naso? thank you-