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  1. innsmouth

    sharks and eels from the Phoenix Zoo

    Looks like a black edge.
  2. innsmouth

    Pistol/Goby Pairs

    Pistols have been reported to have preyed on ornamental shrimps which would include cleaners like the fire shrimp. Mayeb it would maybe it wouldn't. The eternal rub of SW. I don't think clown gobies will pair up with pistold shrimps.
  3. innsmouth

    Pistol/Goby Pairs

    Yeah, his burrowing is borderline neurotic. I don't worry about my rock all that much because most are buried in the sand anyway and are large pieces. If that weren't the case then yes, I'd be concerned about earthquakes. I wouldn't trade him in for anything though. I think the goby/shrimp pair...
  4. innsmouth

    Pistol/Goby Pairs

    Might be hard to see the pistol. It's a tiger and he's right behind the YWG.
  5. innsmouth

    scuba divers come

    I'm a member of DAN as well. All divers should be I think. As far as certification goes I went with SSI.
  6. innsmouth

    scuba divers come

    I gotta go steel even though I don't own one (recently certified) because I'm a big guy and I need the extra weight. I'd rather have it there than integrated or in a belt.
  7. innsmouth

    Innsmouth. A question for you.

    I don't see why not. Mine is in a 12 gallon Nanocube by JBJ. I don't have the lid secured but he does not show any interest in leaving. I keep him well fed and he goes back into the fliter and hides during the day. So make sure he has plenty of hiding spots and he may feel secure and not want to...
  8. innsmouth

    Red closed brain in tank with copper....NEED HELP QUICK!!!

    I would leave it in quarantine for a week or two just to be safe.
  9. innsmouth

    Zoanthids receeding, flatworms?
  10. innsmouth

    Can someone tell me what these are?

    Mine's been thriving in a 40 breeder with about 230 watts of PC. Really depends on depth of the tank.
  11. innsmouth

    Pet Smart commercial

    DId anyone see this new commercial with the immaculate fish area with the friendly, well dressed employee showing a group of people how to test water? Anyone notice how dark purple that water was?
  12. innsmouth

    Death Co funny!

    Buying SWF fish from Pet Co. only perpetuates their interest in restocking. Same goes for buying puppies at the mall. Sure you want to get them outta that little cage. That only puts more cash into the puppy mill (concentration camps) operations. If people stop buying they'll eventually stop...
  13. innsmouth

    fish for a nano

    Six gallons isn't much to work with when you're talking about keeping SWF. Maybe one small fish and plenty of water changes. I would suggest a small goby or blennie.
  14. innsmouth

    The Ultimate goby

    Yellow Watchman is my favorite. Always looks grumpy and usually is.
  15. innsmouth

    uh oh newbie did a bad thing

    Don't worry so much. Your inverts should be fine. The water will settle down eventually.
  16. innsmouth

    puffer overgrown beak

    I don't know what else is in your tank but sometimes I splurge and get emerald crabs and crayfish for mine. He's just loves chasing them down and busting them apart. No problems with his teeth yet.
  17. innsmouth

    Can anyone ID this!!!

    Man, I have no idea but I'm really curious.
  18. innsmouth

    ???????? green

    Ask Polarpooch about green morays and their tank mates. Green's are the hulks of the SW aquarium trade. They can easily reach 8 feet in length and are MEAN and STRONG as hell. God I want one.......
  19. innsmouth

    new tank mates

    Maybe a smaller puffer. That lion is gonna get HUGE!
  20. innsmouth

    Safety in Numbers

    You don't see a pic like that everyday. Nice.