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  1. thederek

    diving for fish? what checmical is used to slow them down...?

    Im sure his intentions were not to go around pulluting the reef. He probably didnt know that the chemical was cyanide and that it was damaging. Most likely he heard somewhere that this method was used and assumed that it was enviromentally safe.
  2. thederek

    clown corals

    I just bought a percula for my 12 gallon nano cube. I know I cant keep any anemones in it even with my 50watts of lighting so I was wondering what kind of coral I could get that might host him...any suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. thederek

    cleaning a nano cube?

    I tryed to clean all the stuff in my nano cubes filter, but only managed to have all the gunk left in the tank....Is there a way to clean all of this stuff out?
  4. thederek

    Exactly what is "cycling" ??

    is someone elses name Derek? I dont think I posted a link to a competitor anywhere....unless Lance Armstong is a competitor...hmmm...he may be, he probably cycles faster than all the tanks on here.
  5. thederek

    Exactly what is "cycling" ??

    check with Lance Armstrong....I hear he's pretty good at it...
  6. thederek

    Your fish story?

    I grew up around aquariums...grandmother had a SW, one of moms bf's had a SW...grandfather had several FW's and a pond...aunt had several i kept several FW's at first and then a pond, and now SW's
  7. thederek


    what if you had 50 watts of 50/50 PC lighting in a 12 gallon nanocube? would any kind of anemone be ok with that?
  8. thederek

    Inspired for a mini reef!!

    my only reccomendation would be more lighting, but having had a 5 gallon before myself, i know its hard to fit more in there....however the corals you have listed should do fine with just 18watts...just be careful.
  9. thederek

    Let's see your Gobies and Pistols!!!!!

    My yellow clown goby died 2 days before I got my 2 pistol shrimp I'll be getting another goby or two here pretty soon hopefully
  10. thederek

    Lets see those cubes!!!

    here is my new 12 gallon nano still needs some more lr but its a start...
  11. thederek

    what will be okay with this lighting? I just got a 12 gallon nano cube, I knew the 24watt lighting that it comes with wouldnt be quite enough for what I want to i did a little retrofitting....I now have 50watts of 50/50 PC lighting...thats a little over 4 watts per what can I have and not have in there as...
  12. thederek

    nano cube lighting

  13. thederek

    nano cube lighting

    I have a 26watt retrofit kit that I could use...but the hood doesnt look so friendly as far as getting it in there if anyone has retrofitted a nanocube please tell me how you went about doing it
  14. thederek

    nano cube lighting

    I just bought a 12 gallon nano cube and it came with a 24watt 50/50 bulb...does anyone know if I can get a bulb with more wattage that I can replace the stock one with? I dont really want to do a whole retrofit deal, just replace the bulb..
  15. thederek

    first try at posting tank pics

    and my torch coral who is in love with his new lights...
  16. thederek

    first try at posting tank pics

    some corals that I have forgotten the name of so if anyone could ID them, I'd appreciate it
  17. thederek

    first try at posting tank pics

    and my goby...who has developed some weird brown markings that are worrying me...
  18. thederek

    first try at posting tank pics

    Allright I've never done this before but I got some ok pictures of my new 5 gallon that I wanted to pop up here... so here is a full tank shot...
  19. thederek

    catching a chromis

    I have a chromis in my 5 gallon tank and im trying to get him out to take him back to the fish store, he is to smart to get caught with a net some im not sure what else to do...i put a cup in the tank and im hoping maybe he will get used to it and swim inside of it...any other ideas would be helpful
  20. thederek

    YAY!!! I have 1000 posts now!!!

    so is that when you get to choose your own blurb? 1000? I noticed mine changed after I think 25, but I'm not sure on all the numbers and when they change, if anyone knows id be interested in finding out.