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  1. scooterb

    hair alge

    get a lawnmower blenny. they're wonderful at controlling hair algae.
  2. scooterb

    my boxer crab??

    My boxer decided to rip a piece of my lettuce slug off and use for an anemone. Anyone ever have one do that?
  3. scooterb

    Anyone know how to get rid of hydroid jellyfish?

    Limpets will take care of the hydroids. They're a sort of snail with a shell that looks like a chinaman's hat. Most anyone that sells seahorses will have these available.
  4. scooterb

    Question about a White Sebae anemone?

    My perculas love my "white sebae anemone" that has now turned brown and healthy. The purple tips still show and it has grown like wildfire.
  5. scooterb

    Attack Of Scooter!!!

    Maybe I've just been lucky but I have a 55 gal. tank with under 100lbs of lr and up until about 3 weeks ago no fuge and have been very successful with 2 (male and female) scooter blennies. I've had them for almost a year and every night without fail they do their courting swim. Both had sunken...
  6. scooterb

    Goby suggestion

    The yellow head with blue body is called a jawfish and they are very animated fish. They will hook up with a pistol shrimp most times if added together. Not sure about it if they're added separate or not. I have a jawfish and two pistol shrimp but they haven't seemed to have bumped heads in...
  7. scooterb

    Lawnmower Blenny Diet

    Mine will eat anything put in the tank, but loves the green sheet algae on his clip. He'll eat it right out of my hand.
  8. scooterb

    fish with personality

    Try a lawnmower blenny. They have great personality and keep your tank free of algae. Mine dances in the front of the tank every night close to lights out. They really are comical.
  9. scooterb

    How do I get a turbo snail off the glass without hurting it?

    Try placing an ice cube against the snail. That will usually make them retract.
  10. scooterb

    flame scallop question

    The flame scallops sort of "weave" those fibers to keep themselves in place. It's not part of the scallop at all so don't worry about it. Try spot feeding and see how it does.
  11. scooterb

    Another anemone question

    I have two perculas and an anemone crab that host with my white sebae anemone. They defend it well.
  12. scooterb

    invert compataibility

    I have a mated pair of coral bandeds and 3-4 emerald crabs (one of which is quite small) and a couple of peppermint shrimp. So far they all get along quite well.
  13. scooterb


    I'm not sure what "purpose" they serve but they are neat little creatures. They don't move around much but they do look really cool when filter feeding. I have a yellow cucumber that split in half so I ended up with two for one. There are also some that are quite beautiful. So what...
  14. scooterb

    curlie-Q and clownfish

    I have two perculas that have hosted almost everything in my tank except for the two curly q's. They stay far away from them. Currently they are hosting a white sebae anemone and a leather.
  15. scooterb

    Crab help!!!!

    I'm not sure about the decorator crabs, but the anemone crabs "adopt" an anemone and then stay in it much like a percula dose. Mine comes out during the day and then slips in behind the anemone at night. It shares the sebae with my perculas. Truly a cool crab to watch.
  16. scooterb

    remora or euroreef E5-2

    Thanks to everyone for their opinions and experience.
  17. scooterb

    Starfish ok??

    Not sure of it being part of a clean up crew but I have a brittle star in my tank that hasn't hurt anything. Great creatures to watch at night.
  18. scooterb

    one stupid blue leg

    I have loads of blue legs and caught one snacking on the others just the other day. Ever try to take food away from one of these guys? Needless to say I didn't have the heart to get rid of him so I threw him in the sump. He quickly made his way to the bio balls and is in heaven.
  19. scooterb

    remora or euroreef E5-2

    I would really like to know if anyone has experience with both of these skimmers. I have narrowed my choice to one or the other(for my 55 gal.). Opinions?????????