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  1. rstiles

    flat worms

    I have a big problem with these little buggers, I did try the salafert prod it worked for around a week and back again, I then added 5 more drops than the first time, all gone no more right ( i think i have a super strain) when I see them on the glass or bottem I try to siphon them up still got...
  2. rstiles


    I can't seem to get rid of these, I am using salifert flatworm exit - per the drictions, no where does it tell how often to repeat . I get a pretty good kill rate, but 4-5 days lateter I start seeing them again, is it wise to repeat every few days and hopefuly stop all the stages - eggs-free...
  3. rstiles

    Flatworm exit

    turn off your filter, if you have an extra hang on back load up with carbon let run a couple of hours.Good luck on getting rid of the first time ! it took three times for me adding more each time, let it stay in tank for a few hours than use your carbon, if possible before adding try and blow...
  4. rstiles

    dwarf lions?

    Antennata Or Radiata will stay out of the rock work most of the time.
  5. rstiles

    Snowflake moray eel

    Just a long shot either the eel is now eating or passed away post is from Dec 06 now Aug 07
  6. rstiles

    Cycle almost complete, I hope....

    yes, add clean up crew to both.
  7. rstiles

    Will a Snowflake work? My 55g stock list

    most egg crate has 1/2 inch squars, sooner or later he will eat the damsels, I read a while back most eels get out because thay are not happy in their surroundings, I have egg grate on my tank across the back cut around all the equ, never have I've seen him try to get out, it was about a foot...
  8. rstiles

    snowflake food quantity

    best to feed twice a week till full,its a good idea to change the food around.
  9. rstiles

    Blueface,imperial,majestic? which one

    I have a blue face for well over a year and it seems to get better looking each week, bought in full aldult colors, I feed it clams,mysis,scallops,small fresh shrimp,strips of fish,alge sheets,calamari.
  10. rstiles

    nano skimmer worth it?

    Had a nano its in my box of worthless things I'v gotten over the years!!!!!!!
  11. rstiles

    big sale

    still instreased in the rock however would like to see some pictures, I can pick up.
  12. rstiles

    big sale

    do you have any pictures, I might want all.
  13. rstiles

    big sale

    how many pounds of rock do you have and price? if in Ct I could pick up.
  14. rstiles

    Dwar Lion Fish Diet

    Yes you can use store shrimp only if thay are raw, I feed my loins silver sides, calamari, scallops, clam strips (raw) strips of mai mai, filet of sole, if on sale lobster meat.
  15. rstiles

    Is This Too Much Light!!?!?!??!?

    the 150 is ok,check around I'm sure you can find a better price,I have a 175 with two 28 watt atinic in a 29 gallon works grate its around 6 inchs above the tank with no real heat problems no you don't need a chiller, I live in mariden and have no problems,
  16. rstiles

    A filter question

    if its not broken why fix it? I chang mine every other month
  17. rstiles

    Will this work???? :)

    90 is fine for the fox face.
  18. rstiles

    Help-new Aussie harlequin Tusk not eating!!!

    how was it collected? sound like possible cyanide problems- dazed,uninterested in food.
  19. rstiles

    Can I feed them shrimp?

    try putting the clams and mussels in the freezer, thay will pop open enough to scrape all the meat out.
  20. rstiles

    How do I acclimate these monsters?

    For the algae try a sea bunny its one of many things I tried, it ate all the alge in one tank,I them moved it over to another tank, so far its eaten every thing thats green!!! . As far as food for an xenia thay get most of their nutrition from their zooxanthellas but do well with...