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  1. jeffxsohn

    12g NANO CUBE DX

    yea i added a powerhead because i didn't like the water flow... not too happy with the pump i wish there was something to suck up all the debris... instead of the debris having to flow through the "hole"
  2. jeffxsohn

    12g NANO CUBE DX

    i'm disappointed by this tank..... i had it for about 5 months anyways... iwas reading and noticed something about bio balls? are they bad? should i take them out and put live rock in there instead? if they aren't too good... how come?
  3. jeffxsohn

    Bristle worm/Pod ratio???

    i had too many bristle worms so i got a coral banded shrimp i guess he's eating them because i don't see them too often anymore before i had so many i could see like 10 just by glancing at my tank soo.... i got chopsticks and picked em out hahaha
  4. jeffxsohn

    more than one breed of clowns ok?

    i have a RBTA.... i was disappointed when i bought it coz my clownfish wouldn't go into it but that same day when i went to check on my fish they were both in the anemone they love it
  5. jeffxsohn

    new 24ga DX?

    when i saw the nano 12 i got it because i thought it looked really nice but i kind of wish i didn't get it lighting is nice the water flow isn't the greatest... i'm not happy with the filtration... it only cleans whatever flows through the "hole" i don't think the water flow is strong enough for...
  6. jeffxsohn

    butterfly fish

    i'm thinking about getting a Double Saddle Butterfly - Chaetodon ulietensis i have a rose bubble tip anemone... would they go ok together? or would it try to eat my rbta?
  7. jeffxsohn


    i'm not too sure.... they came stock with my new nano tank its a JBJ NANO- CUBE DX on the box it says 2: 24 watt 50/50 dual spectrum bulbs 2 of the bulbs are white 2 are blue other than that... i'm not sure... sorry whats PC// VHO/// and MH?
  8. jeffxsohn


    oh yea i forgot how many hours a day am i supposed to leave my lights on for my RBTA?
  9. jeffxsohn

    anemone RBTA

    i had a 12 gallon eclipse tank and i recently just switched to a 12 gallon nano tank coz it had excellent lighting ... my RBTA seems to be growing ... bubbble tips... before it didn't.... not even when i got it at the pet store.... any idea why some have bubble tips while others don't?
  10. jeffxsohn

    Splitting Anemone?

    my RBTA had a white line across it too so i thought it was splitting.... the white line was in the center of a like a crease BUT... it disappeared. O.o i have no clue what happened.
  11. jeffxsohn


    my anemone doesn't look like its doing to well..... it used to open up all the way and it looked real nice but recently its shriveling up.... and the tentacles look real puny. sometimes they get bigger but stilll eH.... i feeed my fish brine shrimp everyday... so i'm sure it gets some of...
  12. jeffxsohn

    Anenome HELP RBTA

    your specific gravity is too high... then again i may be wrong... but i find that 1.020-1.022 keep my fish healthy
  13. jeffxsohn

    good anemone for perculas

    i have 2 false perculas and a rose bubble tip anemone. my clowns love the rbta. i also have a sebae anemone but they don't go into that one. your clowns will either go into the anemone, but theres a chance they might now either. posting pictures around your tank might work.
  14. jeffxsohn

    stocking for 100gal tang question

    get an ACHILLES TANG! its black with some orange and white. VERY nice
  15. jeffxsohn


    my friend had a white lined trigger, a humu humu, a clown trigger, a niger trigger, etc. one day he got an undualted trigger. it killed all the other triggers
  16. jeffxsohn


    not exactly sure if it is an amphipod... but from pictures it looks pretty similar. how are they good for the tank and how'd it get there?! O.o i had my tank since january and i never noticed it until now.... and i spend a LONG time loooking at my fish everyday
  17. jeffxsohn

    why won't my clownfish go in the anemone

    MY CLOWN IS NOW IN THE ANEMONE!!! :joy: :yes: :) :D :D :D :D :D :D
  18. jeffxsohn


    do i need to get rid of it?
  19. jeffxsohn


    i was just staring into my tank a minute ago and i see this lil thing run across the sand. like a bug or something... loooked like a silverfish bug cept it was a real light tan color (just a bit darker then my coral sand) and it had like little legs or something... rather skinny and it just ran...
  20. jeffxsohn

    why won't my clownfish go in the anemone

    tthanks i will go buy proper lighting