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  1. o.nerka

    book recommendations

    Does anyone know of a really good book (intermediate--- > advanced) dealing with fish only or reef tanks???
  2. o.nerka

    invert compataibility

    :notsure: Does anyone have experience with an emerald crab and a coral banded shrimp together in a smaller (33g) tank?? Do you think the shrimp (already present) will kill and eat the crab as he did a camel shrimp(small) a few weeks ago!?:notsure:
  3. o.nerka

    My shrimp molted and...

    My CBS has molted every two weeks for the last 6 weeks......strange huh?
  4. o.nerka

    updated 75

    Are these in a 75g?? What is your stocking list, I'm getting a 90g thsi month and just liek to see what others have in similiar sized tanks....thx!!:)
  5. o.nerka

    large angel???

    I have been told by people to stick with a dwarf angel but i thought that with a 90g I may be abel to keep a somewhat larger (but not largest) fish.......what do you think? Am I crazy???
  6. o.nerka

    large angel???

    From some lookinga round I found teh following angels to be possibilities: -Xanthurus Cream Angelfish -Annularis Angelfish -Lamarack's Angelfish ( i really liek this because it is stated as the only zooplankivorous i could add some corals one day!!) -Blue girdled angelfish
  7. o.nerka

    large angel???

    Do you think any of the large angels are a possibility for a 90g tank??? I know the tank needs to be well established and have plenty of live rock (w algae growth). Also, do you think any of the tangs would be compatible?? How about a butterfly???
  8. o.nerka

    What fishs produce lots of waste?

    being herbivores, the tangs would produce a lot of waste as said earlier because their digestive system (as are most fish digestive systems) is not very efficient at breaking down plant material (cellulose) into "usable" form. To counteract not being able to absorb much of thier food they must...
  9. o.nerka

    help with a coral banded shrimp.

    Originally posted by crashammer And I think it eat my peppermint shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My CBS ate a camel shrimp 5 minutes after i opened 6the bag and there wasnt a single thiong I could do abut it....he had a nice $7 meal!!!! That little f*****!!!!
  10. o.nerka

    Fish combinations

    i'm not too sure about your nudibranchs questions but i could provide some insights to the damsel-goby situaion. I have a 33 g with a few damsels and i recently added a blenny (simiuliar enough to a blenny) and the damsels gave him a bit of a hardtime for the first minute after i placed the...
  11. o.nerka

    have you heard of this fish???

    has anyone heard of a fish called a "green birdfish"???? I saw a male and female at the store today but not to my suprise the guy there didnt know a thing about them.....the male is an emarald green and was about 4 inchs long with a long snout and his mouth on the end of the snout, the female...
  12. o.nerka

    what do YOU think???

    I just bought a 90g tank and am trying to decide what fish to stock it with...let me know what you think about this list.... -lemonpeel angel (6 inchs) -tear drop buttterfly (8inchs) -blue tang -and possibley another carnivorous type of fish do you think it would be bad to have all these...
  13. o.nerka

    90g stocking

    k thanx for your input ...i appreciate it...i think that no matter how big of a tank we get....we will always think it looks "small"....:yes:
  14. o.nerka

    how many fish???

    actually no I wont have these fish anymore......because io was told these would be good beginner fish......
  15. o.nerka

    romaine lettuce

    I agree that I havent seen a sltwater fish pass up Nori....i feed some to my lawnmower blenny once in awhile and all the fish go crazy over it, even my tomato CBS and hermits seem to really enjoy it as well
  16. o.nerka

    aggressive compatibility??

    Do you think some of the larger angels or butterlies would be compatible with a trigger (clown or niger) of with a puffer???
  17. o.nerka

    how many fish???

    lets hear your opinions of HOW MANY FISH can be placed in a 90g saltwater FOWLR tank??? I have heard everything from 1 inch to 5 gallons all the way to 1 inch to 2 my 33g, a have a few tomato clowns (~4 inchs), a lawnmower blenny (4 inchs) and 4 various damsels (~9 inchs) for a...
  18. o.nerka

    90g stocking

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 You've chosen three fish families that are among the most sensitive to water quality. Ideally angels and butterflies do best in mature, established systems, those which have been running for at least 6 months with stable water parameters. The same could be said...
  19. o.nerka

    salt mixes

    Originally posted by benj2112 Hey about those Calgary flames being Western Conference seeing Mike Commodore aka "Side Show Bob" play at the NHL level...he was at UND back when I went to school there and the games were always a must see. ] yah how bout thos...
  20. o.nerka

    90g stocking

    hey I just purchased a 90g tank which i am not plannign to make intoa reef because many of the fish I want are not reef safe...such as the long would you recommend i have my tank up and running before adding an angel, butterfly or tang??? Do you think these three types will get...