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  1. saltytom2


    did it work?
  2. saltytom2


    too much food and bogus h2o! killed a damsel. down to one. this shi@#$%@#$ is getting frusterating. now that i only have one left, i am going to try to get everything balanced and go from there.
  3. saltytom2

    base rock for reef

    thanks birdy! :happyfish
  4. saltytom2

    pic's and attatchments

    i do, but that has nothing to do with the fishies inside my head.
  5. saltytom2

    base rock for reef

    where do i get base rock for the start of my reef tank? lr is too $$$$. i would like to buy all lr, but can't afford it. please advise.
  6. saltytom2

    pic's and attatchments

    I am both b/c my wife and i both use this site and i wanted us both to be able to post threads and ask ???'s.
  7. saltytom2

    poop string?????

    hooray for poop! i like poop. my DAMsels poop. i poop. here a poop there a poop everywhere a poop poop!
  8. saltytom2


    since i am trying to post a pic, i guess i will come up w/ some new questions. i am still a newbie, but why is my tank starting to form brown algae? is this part of the cycle? does it have something to do with what i am feeding the DAMsels? :confused:
  9. saltytom2

    pic's and attatchments

    thanks guys. i guess i will have to come up with some interesting conversation to hit my mark! thanks for the info!
  10. saltytom2

    Explain where your user name originated

    mine is spelled out plain as day. i tried to use my real nickname, but didn't approve. here goes. i play bass guitar, my name is tom. i use my thumb to hit the cool rifts.... thum...bass get rid of the ... do the math. i tried to create a user name under that, but it got kicked back. oh...
  11. saltytom2

    ***** buyers beware!

    my lfs will match any walmart style pet store. eg. *****,pet supplies plus, etc. if you can find a mom and pop lfs, you are much better off. i have to give a big hooray for ed's pet world in b'ham al. he is willing to match any online price, competitors price and the service is excellent and...
  12. saltytom2

    dead newbies

    i agree whole heartedly as far as damsels biting the big one, i just want to cycle my tank so i can proceed to bigger and better things. :yes:
  13. saltytom2

    dead newbies

    i recently set up a 55g and everything was going well for a while. my lfs rep came to my house and said it was okay for me to put in some damsels to help w/the cycle. long story short, the little fellas are killing one another like wildfire. the lfs guy said they are very territorial, but this...
  14. saltytom2

    1st pic of tank ever

    my lfs has lr for $1 per lb. is that good?
  15. saltytom2

    shrimp question

    i asked about keeping more than one @ my lfs. they didn't advise it. too territorial...imo, it would look cool! he had two in the tanks there, but they were kindof standoffish.
  16. saltytom2


    at my lfs, i bought a combo filter/skimmer. 125 gph it was -100.
  17. saltytom2

    Should I use stress zyme or not

    i have used ls and stress zyme. the salidity spiked super high. don't do both.
  18. saltytom2

    1st pic of tank ever

    looks really good. is thAT 60# of lr? if so, i am in trouble. my 55 looks like a baron wasteland, i was going to add a bunch, but that stuff is super$$$$$$$
  19. saltytom2

    Electrical Cost$$$$

    something i actually have knowledge on.... read all of the tech. specs on your equipment, add the amperage up and buzz me back. i can tell you what to expect as far as adding another circuit or a monster power bill. :D
  20. saltytom2

    1st fish died :sad: questions why?

    :confused: i'm a newby too, but have plenty of fw experience w/ red bellied pirrannahs and other carnivourous fish. the only fact i can offer is; after death, any living creature considers this a fresh meal. i apologize for the loss, but with the crew you described, it probably was inevedable...