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  1. calbomb17

    question about flame angel

    pH was at 7.5, so i did a buffer and now its between 8.0 and 8.5....water temp is at 79. He still eats, but not like he used to, and he swims around kinda crazy like. :confused:
  2. calbomb17

    question about flame angel

    my flame angel color has been off for about 2 days. I checked all the levels and everything is fine...any thoughts??
  3. calbomb17

    I bought a Haiwain Blue Puffer

    hello- I bought a blue puffer about a week ago, and this may sound stupid...but will it ever "puff". I have read that it only happens when they're stressed...and does anyone have any pictures of what they look like when they are "puffed"????
  4. calbomb17

    which mp3 player should i get

    alright, I've had an ipod (20 GB) for just about 1 year. The only problem that i've ever had was with the autherization with iTunes, but that was a simple fix. IMO get an iPod mini...these people don't have a freakin' clue what they're talking about...most of their problems must have been...
  5. calbomb17


    Water Temp- 78 Salinity- .0023
  6. calbomb17


    Last night, I noticed that my Coral Beauty had small, pin-like, white dots all over his body. So I asked my "fish-friend" what it was, and he told me that it looked like Ick. So today I woke up, and the dots were gone. Later today I went to my LFS and they said that my water was perfect. At...
  7. calbomb17

    Cleaning Causality

    nevermind, he was just flushed.... RIP
  8. calbomb17

    Cleaning Causality

    Ok, I posted a question a couple of weeks ago, about cleaning the barnacles and other fake stuff in my tank. They said I could as long as I used a new sponge without any soap. So, this morning I decided I was going to try it. So I cleaned the conch shell that I had, and then went to clean a...
  9. calbomb17

    Tank Cleaning

    thanks, the only reason why i don't want to put live rock in is because i plan on moving everything into a 55 gallon tank in the fall, but until i move, i'm not purchasing anything more. Thanks
  10. calbomb17

    Tank Cleaning

    Thank, finally someone understand:yes:
  11. calbomb17

    Tank Cleaning

    No, i would rather not replace them. Is there any other way of cleaning them? Can i just take them out and wash, and scrub them????:help:
  12. calbomb17

    Tank Cleaning

    I just did my first water change, and i was wondering if I can clean off the fake plants and barnacles inside the tank? If so, how do I do it???
  13. calbomb17

    Need to change substrate

    I have fish and inverts. Along with barnacles and fake plants
  14. calbomb17

    Need to change substrate

    I need to change my substrate from colored aquarium stones, to there an easy way to do this with out taking the water out...or do i have to take it out?
  15. calbomb17

    New guy looking for some HELP / ADVICE

    get rid of the damsel...mine bite off my clowns fin:nervous:
  16. calbomb17

    Moving a small tank

    I have a 10 gallon tank and i want to move it from the 1st floor to the 2nd...any suggestions??
  17. calbomb17

    Question regarding Chocolate Chip Star

    well....i called my LFS...and they said that he was in meltdown...but didn't say if I could do anything... what could be causing this if I've had him about April 20th?
  18. calbomb17

    Post your nano pictures

  19. calbomb17

    Question regarding Chocolate Chip Star

    for some reason it won't let me post the picture, but they are about 1 cm in lenght, and at around the horns that look like chocolate chips
  20. calbomb17

    Question regarding Chocolate Chip Star

    My chocolate chip star has these white spots all over the top of him, where the "chips" are....should I be concerned???