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  1. frozenice

    Couple Questions 4 Bang

  2. frozenice

    anemone splitting

    giraffe is that a goldrim tang in the back of your pic?
  3. frozenice

    I get it but now i want to see some anemones

    i got the pc lighting for a 29 eclipse, how many watts is that? Its the "Smart Light" i paid $100.00 for it if that helps
  4. frozenice

    what anemone would most likely host to a............

    i had two clarkii's in a white sebae anenome they did fine in that
  5. frozenice

    Couple Questions 4 Bang

    ok thanks zap, but what if i end up getting 2 females and no male. Will one turn male or will they fight till the other is dead?
  6. frozenice

    what kind of anemone is this? revisited

    i agree with jimmy. i believe it is, but do LTA have the yellow tip?
  7. frozenice

    Couple Questions 4 Bang

    ok, thank you for all your help i went to 2 of my lfs's today. One didnt have any percs, and the other had like 5 true percs but they werent doing to well. Any way i forgot to ask you if you could tell the difference between a male and female true perc. I know the female is bigger, but how do...
  8. frozenice

    Couple Questions 4 Bang

    one last question for you. Is it hard to mate them in a tank. And how long before they feel comfortable in my tank.
  9. frozenice

    Couple Questions 4 Bang

    k thanks for the info. will they live in my blue striped shrooms? And i have a 29 reef with other fish in it. Will they be fine in that?
  10. frozenice

    Couple Questions 4 Bang

    I know u know alot about mating clownfish. And i have a few questions for you. 1. How big of a tank do you need to mate 2 True percs? 2. Can you have other fish in the tank? 3. Do you need an anemone? 4.Throw in anymore info you know that i need to know to mate them. Thanks Frozen
  11. frozenice

    need pics of corals hosting percs

    please people.
  12. frozenice

    ATTENTION!:Sharks could be gone....

    Its all about the MIA down here on the beach with topless women all around you. aaahhhh its paradise.:D
  13. frozenice

    Clown Trigger

    Theyre pretty strong fish. Have the most amazing personality. And are very aggressive. I had a baby in my 55 that was only a month old and it was doing fine. I dont reccomend you do this but it worked for me. But he got stuck to the bottom of the PH and died :nope: He was happy while he was...
  14. frozenice

    meaty foods for tangs

    i must be too :rolleyes:
  15. frozenice

    Coral beauty or flame angel

    Im guessing a flame will be easier to keep. Ive seen alot more CB sick than flames.
  16. frozenice

    Suggested Fish?

    Get an algea eater, say a..... I dont know look something up on the website. If i think of anything ill tell you. In a couple of months you can get a tang, that eats algea. For now you can get inverts that eat algea off your glass. Mexican turbo snails, highway snails, hermit crabs. Look em up...
  17. frozenice

    mean yellow tang

    are you gonna kill him, or take him to the store. He will most likely behave after the timeout in the qt. You have a good heart by not killing him. BTW your my hero of the week.:cheer:
  18. frozenice

    need pics of corals hosting percs

    I would likt to see some pictures of true percs going into corals (xenias polyps, plates ect.) I am interested in purchasing one from my LFS. I hope my xenia or polyps will host him/her. Thanks in advance.
  19. frozenice

    CC to sand

    it teaches him responsibility:yes:
  20. frozenice

    anthia had a bad day

    Im glad shes doing better you saved her way to go :D