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  1. danweb

    Need help

    how much room do you have for a skimmer? and how much can you spend?
  2. danweb

    hair algea ?

    will getting a new and expensive protein skimmer help solve the hair alge problem. just bought a msx 200, which i think is a good skimmer? i use ro/di from lfs and also use ro to top off from my system. i have a 110g display tank and a 55g sump. i have 6 fish which aren't very big and only...
  3. danweb

    SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!

    man waiting is so stressfull, kind of like watching KU play basketball. OH AND BY THE WAY IF YOU DIDN"T watch KU is playing for the national championship mon. night and they showed UNC who's the boss tonight.
  4. danweb

    MSX 200 VS. Octopus recirc needlewheel 200

    thanks for your input, i was thinking the same thing but not really sure. ms is out of stock on all the models of the msx until 1st week of apirl which is really soon, now that i thouht of it.
  5. danweb

    protein skimmers

    what about the msx 200. will that work for that size tank.
  6. danweb

    MSX 200 VS. Octopus recirc needlewheel 200

    I'm in the process of buying a new skimmer for my 150g system and i have narrowed my choices down to 2. the marine solutions msx 200 and the octopus recirc 200. if any of the people here can help i would appreicate it a whole bunch. i dont have any corals,anaminies, or anything like that but...
  7. danweb

    Is this ich? -Pics

    do a search and use your best judgement . i've used malcite green with no problems
  8. danweb

    Is this ich? -Pics

    malcite green seams to be the best for treating ich but i'm not an expert. it wont hurt corals or inverts like copper but you should read the direction very carfully to make sure that you have the right dosing. seach engines are great tools for info like this.
  9. danweb

    Huge Dilema!! Please help..

    I've moved my personal tank 3 times in the last 2 years. i lost everything in my last move. but this gave me a chance to upgrade and start all over. my advice would be to think of a upgrade size tank and go 1 or 2 steps bigger (bigger is always better). if you do decide to move the tank set...
  10. danweb

    my coral banded shrimp is pregnate

    I think my cbs is about ready to drop a buch of egg somewhere in my tank. Has any one seen this in there own tank before? And what does it look like? and what the heck do I do?
  11. danweb

    snowflake eel

    i have a chestnutt moray that was given to me by a friend 3yrs. ago. he's about 16 inchs long. can i get another eel like a snowflake or a chainlink ? they are about the same size.
  12. danweb

    Just Added Please Help!!!!!

    get rid of the striped damsel right know if you want anything else in your tank they are bad news.
  13. danweb

    thoughts/experiences with coral banded shrimps?

    i've have two in my 110g for two years now and haven't had a problem yet, but it is pretty hit and miss with cbs. i've had some that wont eat anything and then some that will take on sleeping trigger fish looking for a easy meal.
  14. danweb

    Tang Food?

    try using garlic extrem to induce feeding on other foods like frozen brineshrimp.
  15. danweb

    niger trigger - invert tank help

    i've had niger triggers in almost all of my tanks in the past four years and i know that they are safe with inverts but not with other fish. every [hr] i have had has killed at least 2 or 3 of it's tank mates, and they get very big and very aggressive in short amount of time. the only way...
  16. danweb

    Thoughts on Rio Powerheads???

    i bought one rio 600 3yrs. ago and they arn't worth it. they don't have the power they advertize. and leak a lot of stray voltage after time. i upgraded to korillia 4's in my 110g fowlr and all my fish seam to love it. 1 #4 would work fine in a 40 tall.
  17. danweb

    Help me design a better sump?

    hey, wattsupdoc, do you know what kind of powerhead or pump to use with a seaclone protien skimmer ? i was given one and i just can't get the damn thing to work right.
  18. danweb

    Sureflow Maxi Jet Mod

    i wouldn't think it would be too much, but i would think about getting better powerheads. korilia 4's are pretty good and put out alot of water (1200g/h) in a wide pattern, they also come with a magnet mounting system that makes it very easy to adjust the direction of the water flow.
  19. danweb

    Help me design a better sump?

    what kind of pump do you use for your skimmer?
  20. danweb

    cpr hob fuge best offer
