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  1. bustedup21

    Is my royal gramma sick??

    :notsure: :notsure: They do keep your sand turned but when they get as large as he is they can be deadly to your fish,.:happyfish :happyfish
  2. bustedup21

    Is my royal gramma sick??

    that my friend is a bristleworm captured 3 days ago. Cute isnt he. Steve
  3. bustedup21

    Beginner At Saltwater!!!!!!!!!!

    any cardinal needs to be in pairs. they do not do well alone. You will see a couple of pajama cardianals in the middle toward the top of the tank. The Pair of Banzaii Cardianals were not cooporative that night. Best Wishes, Steve
  4. bustedup21


    Mine does the same. Just my advice they love the packaged green seaweed. A tank clip will hold. It is hilarious watching as my foxface, yellow tang, and algae blenny push each other around trying to get their share, Be careful with their spines becasue they are poisonous. I have been poked...
  5. bustedup21

    Newest Addition to My Tank.

    Great find. I hope you can find his or her mate. Would that be fantastic to tank raise some of those beauties. Awesome. Steve
  6. bustedup21

    Is my royal gramma sick??

    Maybe she is now an adult and that this is a normal change. Go google hunting about it and maybe you could find out. Your fish may also be a girl and was trying to make herself up for the men folk our there! :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :
  7. bustedup21

    Banggai Question

    If they are like clarkii the big feamale will make a male out of a femaile. might check that out to see if it works the same way. :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious Steve
  8. bustedup21

    cloudy water

    :confused: check the calcium and alk levels. If one or the other is off sometimes it can cloud the water :happy: :happy: :happy:
  9. bustedup21

    Why did my sea stars die?

    Sorry for your loss. I was told to do a 6 to 8 hr drip. Something about the stars having a hard time adjusting their osmosis ability that if it is not perfect they the either blow up with to much water or implode because they loose to much water back into the tank. The statemant was to take a...
  10. bustedup21

    To many Brittle Star fish!!!

    I would suspect that you have a fish or two that finds the little stars quite tasty. Do you have any parrot fish or a foxface?
  11. bustedup21

    more actinic = better?

    More attinic would put a blue tint on your tank. If that is what you want the tank to look like then go ahead. One other thing you may try is adding some other sprectrum that you do not have. a 6500 or an 18000, Adding differnet light gives different energy to our saltwater family. This...
  12. bustedup21

    Not good....

    My deepest sympathies for you for I understand your loss. May the crab fairy take his spririt deep into the ocean.
  13. bustedup21

    Clown fish dead, All parameters perfect WHY?????

    you can also buy distilled water at a walmart or target for half a buck and add your own salt. most of the distilled is ro/di and then steam distilled. mine always tested good; i did finally buy and rodi unit and i do love it. i have 75 gallons of fresh and salt mix out there swirling around...
  14. bustedup21

    red spotted thing id?

    :cheer: Take your camera with a telephoto and take a shot of it. If what I think it is you should see a couple of small holes on either end of it. Some have in the middle when they are this small, but if they do then it is a sponge of some kind. If it is hard and can be broken off you may...
  15. bustedup21

    ID please

    :confused: It looks to be a sponge. I have a couple of similar critters growing in my tank. The ones that I have are orange in color and black in color. I seen a thread not but a few days ago where another reefer lost a colony of zoos to a white looking sponge. It basically covered the...
  16. bustedup21

    Do you only need to worry about ALK if you have stoney corals?

    Some of the Alk test do come in at that level. The unit of measure is different. The unit that you are using shows that your level is ok. My understanding is you could have up to 160 on the high end and 105 on the low end. A lot of us use a fugure between 8-12 for another scale. Your level...
  17. bustedup21

    how many????

    Appreciate your concern with my fish load. My tank levels are like this. Nitri 0-.25, Nitra 0-.20, Amm 0, cal 420, PH 8.1, Phos 0-.02, alk 9-12. cop 0, sg 1.022-1.024. Change out 8 gal of water a week. Been doing the same for 10 months with great success. I also use additives as well. No...
  18. bustedup21

    how many????

    The fish load needs to be calculated based on the expected size of the fish as they mature and the amount of filtration and types of filtration used. A rule of thumb that I have used is that 10 average sized coral 2-4 inches is equal to 1 average sized fish 3-4 inches. Now that does not answer...
  19. bustedup21

    Holy Problem!

    Definitely would help. Generally you use the two parts in tandem. I use the same. 10-15 ml every 3-4 days once you have your level right should work for your size tank. Try testing at the same time of day as well because the temp of your tank as well as the amount of time under the lights...
  20. bustedup21

    Holy Problem!

    Your Ph is a little on the low side. Still need to know what the alk test shows because they run hand in hand. Your alk should be between 8 and 12. Some test come in at 110 to 120 by they scales. As far as removing the Bio-balls what I have read is to remove about 1/4 of them at a time. For...