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  1. pjmumie

    please help!!

    They are KINDS of lights...not brand names. There are lots of brands out there.
  2. pjmumie

    please help!!

    At the least you could probably have Power Compact (PC) lighting - that will work for some anemones and soft corals. If you want hard corals/stony corals - you will need Metal Halide (MH) lights.
  3. pjmumie

    safe to drink from r/o unit?

    Culligan water is Reverse Osmosis if your R/O water tastes like metal, maybe there is something wrong with your filtration system that could harm your animals. It should taste like crisp clean bottled water. Very strange!
  4. pjmumie

    feather dusters

    "Feather Dusters are known to "throw" their crowns which usually regrow within a few weeks." This is straight from SWF. Both of my large feather dusters have lost their crowns before, and they are right...they grow back pretty quickly. If you see a dead worm coming out of the tube, that would...
  5. pjmumie

    Tank Cycling

    #1 - If your Nitrites and Ammonia levels are starting to rise, then yes, you are starting to cycle. #2 - The live rock will have some die off which will add to your cycle and will even help build the bacteria you need to effectively cycle your tank. Don't just add new live rock to your tank...
  6. pjmumie

    who lives in missouri?

    Dang, that's terrible about your hermit I haven't been to the one in Rogers, AR - but I will have to try to find it next time I get down that way.
  7. pjmumie

    who lives in missouri?

    I'm in Branson too - actually I live in one of the SUBURBS, Hollister...LOL Yeah, Pet Depot is kinda scary - expensive and the poor saltwater animals have such poor conditions and terrible lighting. I bought an Emperor from them and they don't even carry the replacement filter packs to fit...
  8. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

  9. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

    Yes - they are certainly beautiful and they are very pretty to look at. If anyone happens to hear something or know of someone that may know what they are, please let me know. I'm just curious to be able to put a name with them since they are so pretty. They are definitely animal - there are...
  10. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

    Okay, this is as close as I could get to getting a photo of what it looks like. Look at the tips of the arrows and you will see two "feather duster" like creatures, but they are prismatic and at this angle in this photo they look shimmery green, but if you tilt at another angle they can shine...
  11. pjmumie

    Crushed Coral

    I have heard many people say that they most highly recommend sand over CC because the sand creates a natural filtering environment with aerobic and anaerobic bacterias in the sand. Sand is also maintenance free for the most part and you don't vacuum it. Many "footed" animals such as snails or...
  12. pjmumie

    Apitasia question,,,Thanks

    I just squirted my first one with boiling water, yesterday - I will let you know if he stays away, but it really did not like the boiling water AT ALL. Hopefully it's gone gone gone!
  13. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

    I took some pictures last night, so I will upload them later today and see if anything shows in the photo. I moved the rock around yesterday so I could see them better and I have about 7 of them on this one rock. They look very "feather duster" like, but the strands look very glass like...
  14. pjmumie

    Hermit Crabs fighting???

    Originally Posted by 1911_Guy Where do you get empty shells? Thanks, I thought that sounded wrong. My crab has red legs with spiny things on them. Don't know exactly what kind of hermit it is. I am getting more turbo snails too, they only had 7 in stock. Someone else got 10 right before me...
  15. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

    No, I don't think they are Aiptasia. I do have ONE Aiptasia on that rock too and I've seen them before, but these look COMPLETELY different. I will totally have to try to get a picture. Very unique looking. Yes, I am going to take care of that one Aiptasia too before they get out of...
  16. pjmumie

    Hermit Crabs fighting???

    I have about 60 blue legged Hermit Crabs in my 72 gal bowfront and they don't fight. Even with the blue ones being more agressive than the scarlets, if one starts picking on another they just close up in their shell and hide for a few minutes. I've never fed mine anything - if you have any kind...
  17. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

    I will try to get a picture tonight, but I think with them looking prismatic, the prism-effect may not come across in the photo. I will try to get a picture and post it tonight. In the meantime though, if anyone has any guesses, please send them my way! :happy:
  18. pjmumie

    Prism-looking Hairs on Live Rock

    I just got a rock from the LFS with 6 Xenia attached to it, and after a day in the tank, I'm starting to see that this rock is FULL of life. Many hitchhikers! I have several small Feather Dusters on the rock, BUT I have these three groups of opalescent looking, PRISM-LIKE bunches of hairs that...
  19. pjmumie

    Ammonia 0, Nitrite >3.3, End cycle?

    Whoa! I'm very surprised that you put UNCURED rock into your tank that has fish and inverts and I'm surprised they are not dead after being in there 2.5 weeks with your new rock. The pros will have more suggestions for you - but if you want to try to do the shrimp to cycle your tank, you should...
  20. pjmumie

    A weird thing in my tank.

    There are so many worms out there that we would need to see that pic before anyone could really give you any idea. If you can't get a good pic, then maybe at least a more detailed description: Length? Color? Texture? Behavior?