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  1. loup


    sorry to hear about your pest problem. here is what i would do or did when i get new zoos ... taking from another reefer. - Using a 5 gallon white bucket, add 3 gallons of RO water. - Now add 1 or 2 drops of Lugol's Iodine per gallon of RO water. - Set your PH to 8.2 - Set your water temp. at...
  2. loup

    new RBTA

    yep, you just have to wait till the clown decide if they want to host it or not. Mine took 5 weeks before they decide to host it.
  3. loup

    Need Help Purchasing Damsels!!!!!!!!!!!

    you should use green cromis to cycle your tank if that's your plan for the damsel. Otherwise damsel are aggressive and mean to other fish you put in later. And a pain to catch.
  4. loup

    New Purple LTA!!!

    ah that's so pruuuttttyyy.
  5. loup

    saltwater beginner

    since your tank size is close to mine, here the number of clean crew i have. 10 nassauris snail 10 cerith snail 2 turbo mexican 2 scarlet red hermit you should consider getting 1 turbo mexican along w/ 7-10 nassaruis and cerith snail. 1 fighting counch is cool to. That crew should help keep...
  6. loup


    try a freshwater dip as it might help get rid of some of the parasites.
  7. loup

    My Clown just doesn't like his new home

    i don't think my 2 clown will ever host my rbta and i learn to accept that, as long as their healthy and happy, its cool with me. :yes:
  8. loup

    Some clown help please?

    its good that your damsel is not aggressive. mine was not the case. but yeah, just watch your parameter and do water change as needed to keep the annomia and nitrite 0.
  9. loup

    Clowns And Anemone!

    as long as anemone isn't pale looking, its probably still looking for a good spot. as for your clowns, in such a small tank, a fight is gonna happen.
  10. loup

    feeding anemones

    i hand feed mine shrimp or silverside
  11. loup

    sand bed cleaners?

    not a problem. I'm new to this SWF but i've done my research and still am. My 37g has been up and running for 2 months. I have 1 scooter blenny, 2 clown and rbta. My clean up crew consist of 2 turbo mexican snail, 10 cerith snail, 10 nassarius snail, 1 skunk, 1 fire and 1 peppermint shrimp...
  12. loup

    sand bed cleaners?

    consider getting 10 Cerith Snail. They'll shift the sand and take care of diatom algea for you.
  13. loup

    saltwater beginner

    do you have a protien skimmer? what about live rock and how much? Consider adding snails for clean up crew. Yeah, damsel are evil. To bad yours die off before and you didn't get the joy of getting them out the tank as i did.
  14. loup

    Well some stuff is starting to spread.. need help ID'ing.. *PIC*

    :joy: purple good :yes:
  15. loup

    CONFUSED... what do i need for my EMPTY 20 gallon soon-to-be tank

    you can do clam in a 20g w/ 150 or 175 w MH because your tank isn't that deep.
  16. loup

    Can I use store bought springwater

    I use the water from those R/O machine you find at local supermarket when i didn't have r/o unit at home yet. They work well for me. It wasn't bad, 1.25 for 5 gallon.
  17. loup

    Anemone dead or alive? Please Help!!!

    if he's not attach to a rock somewhere, move him closer to the light on top of a rock. give him a few days to find his spot. if he doesn't look pale, then i think he should be fine. Just monitor him during that time period. good luck. i'm currently monitoring one of my clown as he has gotten...
  18. loup

    Anemone dead or alive? Please Help!!!

    if he spills his guts inside out then he could be a goner. But it could be him getting use to the new enivornment. give it some time. it took mine a week to find a spot and stretch out.
  19. loup

    Some clown help please?

    as KOgle stated. Did you get an anommina and nitrite spike and back down to 0 during the first 2 week. I would get that damsel out to. Mine pick on my new fire shrimps and kill it.
  20. loup

    Anemone dead or alive? Please Help!!!

    do you have a pic? is it pale and white?