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  1. djmpj

    Ordering online

    At the suggestion of a poster on another thread, from someone looking for the contact number for, I just looked an my old credit card statement from the last time I ordered. I noticed they listed ANOTHER number on my credit card statement and that one doesn't work either...
  2. djmpj

    Ordering online

    No. Not that anyone here can find anyway.
  3. djmpj

    Ordering online

    The number listed in that thread (772) 462-0203 is not good. It is a voice mail that says "This is a job hotline" and the mailbox is full. If they are not going to respond to e-mail for a few days they should at least have a customer service number. I am looking to place an order and I have a...
  4. djmpj

    found a good lfs in monmouth, nj

    I am also an ex-Tropaquarium customer. We bought our whole set up there. Spent a small fortune in that store. We used to buy our premade Saltwater there till they sold us garbage that turned our tank. We went right back the next day and demanded they test their own water in front of us...
  5. djmpj

    Hitckhiker ID Please!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have an emerald for a while. It does not eat my fish or inverts. It's pretty cool. DJ
  6. djmpj

    Mated pair maroon yellow banded-Toms River NJ

    Sorry to hi-jack your thread :-) The pair sound great but I already have a pair of false perc. clowns that I love. Don't think you can mix them. I am local too. I use Tropaquarium. Can't complain about their fish. Very healthy but a little expensive. I recently ordered from...
  7. djmpj

    Clown with white growth...ich?

    It is hard to see. What does the white spot look like? Does it have texture like lint or cotton or more like a zit? I'm not an expert at all but I have two clowns I've had for 8 months now. Shortly after I got them one got a white spot one him that looked like cotton or lint. I read all...
  8. djmpj

    Diamond Goby

    Mine is great. In the beginning he was chicken and found himself a little cave and stayed in it. A few days later he decided to venture out in the world and then the sand storm began. I wasn't prepared for this a panicked a little. You couldn't see into the tank. But it all settled back...
  9. djmpj

    WHAT is killing my gobies????!!!!

    I lost my first Golby. Thought I just had a pistol shrimp but turned out I had a manis too. Any chance of this? Trapped him and got rid of him and my 2nd golby is doing fine. D
  10. djmpj

    water quality vs. clarity

    We're still green here! Did a 20% water change today. The water we took out was REALLY green. Put in new water and it STILL looks incredibly green. Re-tested all parameters today and everything seems fine. We are lost with this one! DJ
  11. djmpj

    water quality vs. clarity

    Wow, this is SO odd but I am having the SAME problem. Water is cloudy and green. Sand and glass look better than ever!! Started about 2 weeks ago. All test are great. (Amonia - 0, Nitrate - 0, Nitrate - 0, Temp 79, salinity 1.023, ph - 8.1 (little low but steady there for months)...
  12. djmpj

    Sleeper Gold Head Goby - your experience with sand sifting gobys please?

    How the heck did you catch him? We tried all day and just gave up a little while ago. DJ
  13. djmpj

    a note to djmpj and others too

    thank you! I got nervous when I saw your thread with my name in it and thought Oh No, what did I do wrong on here? Whew. thanks! DJ
  14. djmpj

    Sleeper Gold Head Goby - your experience with sand sifting gobys please?

    We purchased a Gold Head Sand Sifting Goby. We wanted this fish because our research indicated it would be good at keeping the sand clean. Since adding him to our 54 gallon 24 hours ago, you cannot see into the tank with the cloud of sand/dust he has caused. We have the Old Castle tropical...
  15. djmpj

    chocolate chip star question

    OK, this is going to sound really silly but: Is this a piece of shrimp as in table/coctail shrimp or shrimp made of our fish (mysis/brine)? If it's the latter, how do you put a "piece"? Mine is like gel/liquidy by the time I defrosr it. DJ
  16. djmpj

    chocolate chip star question

    hello This is my first time posting. I got two CC Star Fish about a month ago. How do you feed them? What do you mean put a shrimp by them? Do you mean frozen brine or mysis? When they are near the top and bent over I take a small medical plunger thingy and "shoot" my defrosted shrimp at their...