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  1. annnes

    colt coral

    ty for the replys
  2. annnes

    colt coral

    I just purchased a colt coral from swf thursday and today Monday it looks pretty dead The actual coral looks like human flesh. Is this a natural thing or Do you think I got a dud?
  3. annnes

    please help sick fish

    I have 4 fish that are not eating and very pale. They are like shedding their skin I figure that it is some sort of fungal disease could someone please help?
  4. annnes

    please help

    I have something wrong with my fish. four fish look like they are shedding their skin I first thought it might be ich but it must be some fungal disease. They are breathing hard and are not eating Will someone please try to suggest some remedies?:confused:
  5. annnes

    please help

    I have another tank but it is very new it has been cycleing for about a week but there is nothing in it yet I Guess that it would best not to put them in that one because of just the shock from a new tank. Things dont look good :nervous: I am not totally sure that it is ich the fish look like...
  6. annnes

    please help

    I do have inverts but do not have a copper tester that will be one of my next purchases. Once salt fish get ich is it usually doomsday for them or do you sometimes have some luck with treatment. I am pretty new on the message boards and do not exactly know how to add photos. thx for replying
  7. annnes

    please help

    I am a newer salt fish hobbier and I have some ick looking stuff on 3 of my fish in the tank and they are not eating. I treated them with greenex parasite contro;er yesterday morning. There is no change in the fishes condition, What do I do now? JUST WAIT?? that is a hard thing to do. The...
  8. annnes

    first time water tester

    The tank was up and running for years. It was given to me, It prob has maybe 60 to 80 lbs of rock. I tried to save all water and bio balls were not disturbed.
  9. annnes

    first time water tester

    I have a 90 gal tank and it is doing pretty well. I have just tested my water for one of the first times and my #'s were: no3 was 20 amonia was .5 p.h. is 8.2 and no2 is 0. Is there anything to worry about and if so what remedies should I try? Also what other tests besides copper should...
  10. annnes

    filtering through new water

    That is a different tank. I have a 90 gal reef and this one is a 40 gal. I have never started a tank from scratch when I got my 90 I was able to save all of water and bio balls
  11. annnes

    filtering through new water

    I just changed my tank over from fresh to salt water and how long do I need to run tank before I can add fish. Someone suggested that I put in cleaner shrimp if this is so then when do I add those?
  12. annnes

    changing freshwater to salt

  13. annnes

    changing freshwater to salt

    The aquarium started as a basic salt tank that only had fish but after college i tried to move it and lost everything, When i moved here I was broke so I started only a basic freshwater but still left the coral gravel in it I just rinsed it for hours and didnt have any problems for 8 yrs...
  14. annnes

    changing freshwater to salt

    How hard would it be to change an existing freshwater tank to salt? Is it to the point of taking it outside and totally disguarding everything?i.e. heaters....buying new filters..everything?:confused:
  15. annnes

    cycling complete is Bio load needed

    Would someone please give me some sort of guide or list of what the parameters of the water testing process? i.e. P.H. should be around 8.....amonia..... and how often should you check for them?
  16. annnes

    fish questions?

    When I read the discription to the grouper about being reef safe it says not with shrimp or smaall fish. does that mean that he will eat my soft corals or only if I tried to have shrimp which I do not. To feed him do I have to hatch brine shrimp or are there other options?
  17. annnes

    fish questions?

    I have a domino deamel that is a jerk and chases everything is this common because he is the cause of disharmony in my tank and I may not put up with his anoying --- any more. I also just got a panther grouper and need to know how aggressive they get?
  18. annnes

    feeding anemones

    I have heard that they are scavengers and will mostly be self sufficient is there any truth to that
  19. annnes

    fish questions?

    I have a domino damsel in my tank that just hates everyone that I put in with him, he never stops chasing things away. Will this ever stop? I also have a young panther grouper. when he gets older will anything be safe or will he eat everything?
  20. annnes

    watts per gal

    I worry about the MH lights because my tank is acrylic and I figured that the heat may harm the tank? It is a little let down to think that I have just ordered these PC lights new and to find out that they are probably insufficient. Can I maybe use these pc lights and have a boost of a smaller...