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  1. matttamar

    Algae in tank

    Thank you for the advice. I do have one more question, she bought a royal gramma from a fish store against my advice, it had just come off the plane and of course it killed everything in her tank with ich. How long should we wait before they get fish again
  2. matttamar

    Algae in tank

    Just tap water. I tried talking her into an ro/di system but they dont want to spend the money on that.
  3. matttamar

    Algae in tank

    I forgot to mention there are no fish in the tank. Just a standard clean up crew, snails, crabs etc..... and two pepermint shrimp.
  4. matttamar

    Algae in tank

    Hi everyone, I set up a 40 gal tank for my sister and there is algae growing everywhere. It is fast growing and starting to spread. Does anyone know what kind it is and how to get rid of it.
  5. matttamar

    Black Saddle Back Clownfish (with Pictures)

    that is most likely their natural color. I am pretty sure they'll stay like that. I like 'em too by they way.
  6. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    Originally Posted by nluchau Ok. Where are the pics Mattamar? Hows the BTA doing? The Bta is doing well but I just had a bad ich outbreak in the tank. There where only two survivors, the purple firefish .
  7. matttamar

    Clowns laying eggs

    My clownfish are laying egs on top of my powerhead what should i do? :joy: :help:
  8. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    Thanks for all of the responses. New pics coming tomarrow- new fuge and Niger.
  9. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    Originally Posted by nluchau Mattamar, You said in one post you have a 48" coralife fixture? Is that the one with 2 actinics and 2 10,000k daylight (total 260 watt)? If so I have the same one. Is it a good enough light for the BTA? Thanks, nick Yes I have the same light fixture(total...
  10. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

  11. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    Lawnmower Blenny
  12. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    They have been in there almost 3 months. There fins are all fine the picture is a little blury. They do not fight, they sleep together in the same hole.
  13. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    2 purple firefish
  14. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    New BTA
  15. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    Clown Tang
  16. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    yes I just got a clown tang today and plan on getting a niger trigger tomarrow. New pics will be posted tomarrow
  17. matttamar

    A ticked off teacher!

    I am in the Navy, and definetly support what you are doing. In my opinion I think you should explain the sacrifices service men and women have to make every day, being away from family for six months to a year, or ultimately giving there lives for there country. But then again you might be...
  18. matttamar

    75 Gal. Pics 1 Month

    There is 80lbs of live sand and 85lbs of live rock. I also just added a lawnmower blenny and have a refugium on the way
  19. matttamar

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Hey Who DeY you have given so many people here good advice including me but I would say this is a lost cause, I would move on.