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  1. scarr105

    Critique the Tank

    I like the tank but what about making a deep cayon. You sort of have on now with your rock higher on the ends and smaller in the middle somewhat making a gorge. Most people just stack rocks and make a big rock wall, so this would be something different. just a thought scarr105
  2. scarr105

    Is this enough wats per gallon.

    Now that is an answer that is helpful. Thank you for the great info ReefNut. Since I want to keep Anemones in my tank I guess I should not speand the money on the 4-65w PC lights. I have not canopy on my tank right now so I can't use the MH retro kits. So I guess I'll wait until I get a...
  3. scarr105

    Is this enough wats per gallon.

    The confusing part of this is 150 watts is 150 watts. 150 watts of Mh or 150 watts of Florescent is the same 150 watts right, the real different is something else. And that difference is what make the MH better then the Florescent. I think the biggest problem is there is no real answer to the...
  4. scarr105

    Wet/dry filter

    Try the DIY section for DIY wet/dry filters her eis a link to a topic on DIY wet/filters
  5. scarr105

    Is this enough wats per gallon.

    I currently have 48" Dual Satellite 2x65W SunPaq w/Lights on my 55 gallon. If the spectrum is right then the wattage doesn't really matter.
  6. scarr105

    Is this enough wats per gallon.

    If you read these forum, everyone is alway talking about watts and not spectum, so I'm really confused now. So if I get the right spectrum bulb then the watts don't really matter.
  7. scarr105

    Is this enough wats per gallon.

    If watts don't matter then what does? I know the light spectum is very important.
  8. scarr105

    Is this enough wats per gallon.

    Is 4.7 watts per gallon good enough to keep Anemones and some basic corals such as Mushrooms and Zoos? i'm planning on running 48" Dual Satellite 4x65W SunPaq w/Lights (Current) on a 55 gallon tank. If I figured out the math right it's 260 watts / 55 = 4.7 per gallon.
  9. scarr105

    Yes or no for wet/dry

    What is the different between the 2. Does anyone have pictures of what a Wet/Dry and Fuge/Sump look like. I always thought they were somewhat the same.
  10. scarr105

    Rook has a few questions

    I would check online and compare your LFS will most likely have higher prices then you will find online. but be cafeful with shipping, some sites charge a lot to ship or require a min purchase.
  11. scarr105

    Help! My first saltwater tank...

    I would do water changes 1 a week during your tank cycle. After the cycle I would go to once a month 10%(5-6 gallon without a sump, more with a sump). Every 2 weeks would be better but if you're like me, it's hard to keep that type of schedule.
  12. scarr105

    Help! My first saltwater tank...

    Levels should look like this: Ammonia 0.0 ppm Nitrites 0.0 ppm Nitrates 0.0 - 30 ppm pH 8.1 - 8.4 Specific Gravity 1.021 - 1.025 I would not leave the lights on for that long, that should help the algea, and do water changes to help lower nitrites. The tank is cycling right now so you...
  13. scarr105

    Rook has a few questions

    I think you could say that about any fish. When if comes to reef safe or not you have to generalize fish but also warn that each fish could be different and you need to watch all your fish to make sure they are behaving as they should.
  14. scarr105

    Rook has a few questions

    BLUE HIPPO TANG (Blue Tang) Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons Care Level: Easy Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12 Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1' Color Form: Black, Bright Blue, Bright Yellow Temperament: Peaceful Reef Compatible: Yes Diet: Herbivore...
  15. scarr105

    Anyone familiar with Reeflux MH Retro Kits

    What kind of deal $$$$ and where. I'm looking for 2 250watt 10k MH retro for my 55 gallon. I've been told to try and get 8-9 watts per gallon and you won't have trouble keeping anything.
  16. scarr105

    NEW TANK *** how long should i wait for cleaner or fish

    You need to add somethingto your tank like a piece of shrimp to start the cycling, or uncured rocks. After a few days you should see a spike in all your readings, take readings atleast every other day and do partial water changes until you tank readings ar normal.
  17. scarr105

    DIY MH Lights HELP

    Oceana Thank you for the information.
  18. scarr105

    DIY MH Lights HELP

    What do you consider cheap? Because to me 200-250 dollars isn't cheap. I know this is an expensive hobby but it's also a DIY hobby which can save lots of money. I'm looking to get 2 X 250watts 10K for my 55 gallon. I'm pretty good at the DIY stuff so I'm not worried about the hazards that...
  19. scarr105

    DIY MH Lights HELP

    can you buy all the stuff need to make MH retro fit lights on one of the big home stores, if so could someone tell me what I need to look for. Thanks
  20. scarr105

    Ive Been Using Tap Water For Six Months And............

    Here is what the PUR filters say, i have no idea what half of these things are: MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) X TTHM (total trihalomethanes) X Alachlor X Atrazine (herbicide) X X Benzene X X Carbofuran X X Carbon Tetrachloride X Chlordane X Endrin X Ethylbenzene X...