Search results

  1. killergoby

    red slime/algae

    My lights on the tank, or on my refuge?
  2. killergoby

    red slime/algae

    Stop using all products such as Kent, stop overfeeding, do more water changes, and keep alk up...
  3. killergoby

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    Originally Posted by sleeper Hey killergoby, let me put it this way... when you have enough of those pink zoas to frag, I call DIBS. I don't care if you photoshopped them or not ... anything even remotely close to that cool looking is worth it. Put me on your waitlist... Thanks man, but my...
  4. killergoby

    Can Someone Post Some Pictures Of There 30 Gallon Reef Tank?

    Thanks man. I've got Coralife's 30", 130w PC strip above the tank.
  5. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    They might be. Do they move around? Try to get that nitrate down to 0 if you can.
  6. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    I'm having a problem w/ algae in my tank and fuge right now too. First check your nitrate and phosphate levels. They both should be at 0. Try to use RO/DI water. Cut down on feedings. You can try a turbo snail in there. That might work. Also, are you running a skimmer, and does it produce skimmate?
  7. killergoby

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 well how bout this....the pics are amazing...and if you did photoshop them, you have amazing artistic, i would have no idea how to photoshop something that its win win...hahaha :joy:just playing lol. Thanks for understanding dude. It...
  8. killergoby

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    Thanks. My camera is a Nikon CoolPix 885. I use the selector on "scene" with the "indoor" setting for full tank shots, and the "close-up" setting for close ups. All other settings are on "auto". I tried messing with the white balance and lighting selector, (fluorencent, incandecant, ect.) but...
  9. killergoby

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    It's the way my camera is. For some reason it "enhances" my actinic lighting, and everyone thinks I photoshop my pics.
  10. killergoby

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    Okay. Here's my "photoshopped" tank: and "photoshopped" Blastos: How's about a "photoshopped" Candy Cane? The mouth on my plate, "photoshopped"? Since it's a Zoo forum. Here's another colony. "photoshopped" of course! And here's a CBS coming out of his hole to kick your [hr] if you...
  11. killergoby

    2 Dwarf Angels

    Thank you!
  12. killergoby

    xenia still dieing

    My Pulsing Xenia were doing great for like 6 months split 6 times; growing everywhere. Then 2 of them just melted and the others looked like they were hurting. This was right after I added a fuge w/ Cheateo in it. They came back though and now the smaller ones are growing again too. I think they...
  13. killergoby

    I hate my reef tank. =c(

    I'm with you on this one. I've had an outbreak of nuicance algae on my LR and sand. I'm so desperate that I'm about to throw a Cherub Angel in there to eat it and pray that it does not eat my Zoos or LPS's.
  14. killergoby

    2 Dwarf Angels

    Even w/ open brains? I heard they love to pick on them...
  15. killergoby

    2 Dwarf Angels

    I ordered the angel online by mistake. What I really wanted to do was put the Cherub in my 29 gallon reef tank to eat the excess algae I have on my LR. The problem is that it might also eat my LPS's, Zoos, and softies. In either of my tanks it is a risk. Any other suggestions?
  16. killergoby

    2 Dwarf Angels

    I have a 75 gallon tank w/ 100 lbs of LR in it. Would a Cherub Angel get along w/ my Eibli which is already in the tank?
  17. killergoby

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    Originally Posted by oceana not sure what color they started as but they are heavly photo shoped. he says they are only under actinic but i have been in computer graphics way to long to belive that. look cool yes but far from there real color Listen dude, you think you know your [hr] and...
  18. killergoby

    Maui, Hawaii

    I did the submarine dive named Atlantis. It was alright. I'd choose scuba over that though. I'm leaving for the Carribean in 3 weeks!
  19. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    Nice drop in nitrates man. I keep an open top and I have a jumper in the tank. He's a Fridmani Psudochromis. No worries though. He's never jumped! lol The light I have is suspended a few inches above my tank by mounts which clamp on the side of the tank. It has a plastic shield over it. As long...