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  1. kels903

    Adding CLown?????

    awww they are so cute tho
  2. kels903

    Adding CLown?????

    I was wondering if i could add a baby clown to my tank which already has 2 clowns in it. I have 2 percs and want to add another really small one. would it b bette rto add 2 more at the same time or can i add just one or none. My last tank i had one but added another way later and they were...
  3. kels903

    Shark in a 55g??

    ya sure i have two cat sharks in my 29!!! ive had them in there for 3 years and their not just living ....... thier THRIVING! i saygo for it i would if i were you. p.s. Good luck " p.s.s. dont listen to all these haters :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  4. kels903

    somehow my tangs died??

    I immediantly tested my water afterward the readings were all correct and the temp did not change. I thoguht they were dead but i remembered they play dead sometimes so i waited it out and i came back a few hours later and they were colored normal and swimming around but the little one had a...
  5. kels903

    somehow my tangs died??

    when i woke up this morning i couldnt find my two blue tangs. usually they sleep in l.r. somehwere. i found them wedged in 2 diffrent peices but i figured something was wrong or they were dead sense they werent really swimming or coming out. I pryed one out and when he was out he just floated...
  6. kels903

    My new angel died!!

    no other fish were sick and nothign would have been agressive towards it it was the dominate fish in the tank. I have alot of rock for it to move around and i have well enoguh space for it to roam free. i acclimated him for like 2 and a half hours i think he was sick from my lfs.
  7. kels903

    My new angel died!!

    i got a new flamed angel 2 days ago and i woke up and he was sitting on the bottom dead. i dont no why he died. the only thing i can think of is he wasnt eating. i fed it brine , flake and had an algea strip for it to eat. anyone with a flame angel have similar problems?
  8. kels903

    new setup

    Yes jeff what excatly are your water parameters????? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: and give hepp87 his hydrometer back
  9. kels903

    Missing Firefish

    I just got my new firefish today he was doing fine but when i left and came home i couldnt find him anywhere. I think he might b hiding in the rockwork but i looked all over? maybe he jumped outta the tank! anyone with a firefish lemme no if you have had a problem finding :happy: them
  10. kels903

    new setup

    thanks 29g :)
  11. kels903

    Feedin Time!

    I have a quick question about feeding. I have a clownfish , damsel, and yellow tang as my main fish. I have a few inverts like a coral banded shrimp a cc star and a bunch of crabs n snails. I usually feed them 2 - 3 times a day but i was wondering how often everyone else does. Thanks --...
  12. kels903

    eel question!

    ya this thread is dedicated to me but the eel is like 8 - 10 and i dont think i have any mantis shrimp because ive never had a probelm before and ive never seen sites of a shrimp. i am very sad about my lose and im never buying a predator again.
  13. kels903

    how does it fit?

    $250 on a 24 gallon tank alone...are you serious? I can get a 24gallon for $30 alone...
  14. kels903

    Blue tang in a 20gal

    My friend thinks he can out a blue tang in a 20 gallon HE MUST B NUTS!!!!!! i am telling him not to but he inststs :help: please tell him off justfoundout he waskidiing
  15. kels903

    clownfish mixing?

    haha ya i went ahead and tried it out and the new clown is really small and seems to be fitting in great wit hthe rest of the tank. The clowns like so swimm around eachother so im glad it all worked out. thanks for the advice.
  16. kels903

    clownfish mixing?

    haha no ive had him or the longest time and he doesnt eat anything really except the food i give him. Occationally i will find a shell or two in his lair ( wrapped in a huge pice of lr.) but other then that he doesnt attempt to eat my fish or anything.
  17. kels903

    clownfish mixing?

    I have a percula clownfish and he is very active and seems to be a pretty peaceful fish. I also have a yellow tang, lawnmower blenny, and sfe. I am wondering if i could buy another percula clownfish so mine can have a partner in crime. Everyhting in my tank is peaceful and do not pick at...
  18. kels903

    Feeding my tang?

    Thanks, ya ive seen peple having algea clips on the side on the tank I cant wait till he comes out and starts swimmin hes beautiful
  19. kels903

    Feeding my tang?

    I recently got a yellow tang. All he does is go behind my rockwork because im guessing hes scared and adapting to the tank. everytime you make a move or stand by my tank it doesnt really come out. when i go to feed them, my fat clown fish goes nuts and eats the food by anything else. should...
  20. kels903

    yellow tailed damsel,

    haha ya ive been through so many damsels when i first started out due to them being dumb and killing eachother. Biggest waste of 3.50 a piece ive ever spent. Perc clowns are the way to go in a small nano like that.