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  1. misslaina

    Help Me!!!!

    if the tube worms are just fan worms they are ok.From what I understand you either can grow Xenias or not-- I have them all over my reef tank, some of my friends cannot keep them alive. I know that they soak up nitrates, so if your tank is new, they might not like it.
  2. misslaina

    pics of my horses

    new pics of my horses.
  3. misslaina


  4. misslaina


    no one, anyone?
  5. misslaina


    could I make a chiller out of a wine cooler? I was just thinking that because they have a controllable thermostat it might work. Also, is copper tubing safe? Any ideas would be appreciated, make it as simple as possible though, I am not very diy savvy. thanks.
  6. misslaina

    Tail rubbing?

    hi! I am new to seahorses too, i have 4 h. erectus. I have found lots or help on seahorse org. everyone is really nice and lots of experts.
  7. misslaina

    advice please

    I am not sure, I was hoping to get small percs that might not want to eat sexys. I love them, the sexy shrimp, and they just started going to the frogspawn, anytime any of the other fish get near they put up their tail and kinda sway almost like a warning. I am a little scared to try this...
  8. misslaina

    advice please

    O.K., I would like to get a pair of clowns. I bought a flower rock anemone( quite big I think, green with white and red mouth), and now am thinking about pair of false percs. It seems as though maybe they wont host this anemone, and that I cant put in two anemones in one tank. true? Also, I...
  9. misslaina

    For Sale: Large Wet/Dry W/Overflow-Box

    any takers? Still for sale?
  10. misslaina

    Need someone to adopt my Mandarin Dragonet

    you can buy live pods. go to about 20 bucks for 500. I put some in my 75 reef just to boost population. Mandarin should eat that, unless it is too far gone. I do not recommend shipping in this condition.
  11. misslaina

    mounds in sand?

    I have noticed some little hills forming in my tank. I thought maybe it was my pistol shrimp moving stuff around, but it was coming from below, the sand, i mean. could it be feather duster? Anyone?
  12. misslaina

    FOTM - Mandarinfish

    very informative. I have been planning to get a mandarin fish, I want to wait a little longer though. my Raniford's (sp?) Goby is eating lots of pods, I was wondering if they would run out of foodif I put a mandarin in. I ran across a company that sells pods, rotifers, and algae. I was...
  13. misslaina

    Almost pulled the plug today....

    mimsy-- don't stop. hilarious!
  14. misslaina

    Post Pics of Your Mutts!!

    so tiny!
  15. misslaina

    Post Pics of Your Mutts!!

    What cuties!!! Here are my girls.
  16. misslaina

    cow fish

    i am proud of who ever your lfs guy is. Gold star for him.
  17. misslaina

    to vacuum or not to vacuum

    I mean manually, vacuum that is.
  18. misslaina

    to vacuum or not to vacuum

    I got a ranifords (sp?)this weekend, but he doesn't do a whole lot of sand, getting fat on copepods though.
  19. misslaina

    I neeeed it I want it

    thanks! I am taking notes. anyone else?
  20. misslaina

    limp Xenia

    I really am not sure of an answer, but I know that mine died after hurricane Dennis, and four of the bits regenerated now I have four!