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  1. tomclx

    Quarantine question

    When you take the fish out of QT to put into the DT, do you have to acclimate them the same as you would when you bring them home from the LFS? The reason I am asking, is beacuse i know the water parameters from the two tanks will not be identical. So when you remove the fish from Qt do you...
  2. tomclx


    Quick Question, when you take the fish out of QT to put into the DT, do you have to acclimate them the same as you would when you bring them home from the LFS?
  3. tomclx

    Red Volitan Lion Question

    HEllo, Well i finally decided to get a Red vlitan Lion Fish. I put him in tank last night, he seems to be doing great. However, he wont eat. I am using frozen Krill on a feeding stick, and moving it around to mimic it being "alive". The Lion just looks at it and swims away. Any advice? should i...
  4. tomclx

    New Lion

    HEllo, Well i finally decided to get a Red volitan Lion Fish. I put him in tank last night, he seems to be doing great. However, he wont eat. I am using frozen Krill on a feeding stick, and moving it around to mimic it being "alive". The Lion just looks at it and swims away. Any advice...
  5. tomclx

    HUMU /Trigger

    Will a HUMU or any other type of trigger bother my feather duster? Sorry for somany posts, i am just trying do get as much information as I can before i decide on the fish I want to get.
  6. tomclx

    Puffer Question???

    HI, My puffer does that sometimes as well. He alo likes to curl up at the top of the tank next to the power head. What kind of tank mates does your puffer have?
  7. tomclx

    Lion Fish Compatibility

    What other fish can i put in besides a tang and angel? The guys at the LFS pretty much dont know anything. They sold me a tiny HUMU, and told me it would be ok with puffer, well that was an expensive snack. So now, i am completely neurotic about researching before i do anything with my new tank.
  8. tomclx

    Lion Fish Compatibility

    What about a porky puffer. Would they attack a lion fish?
  9. tomclx

    Lion Fish Compatibility

    What fish are comaptible with a volitan lion fish? CAn a blue HIPPO tang be a tank mate?
  10. tomclx

    Lion and a puffer

    I have a porcupine Puffer and want to get a volitan lion fish. So the porky wont pick on the volitan?
  11. tomclx

    Lion and a puffer

    Hello, I was wondering if a volitan lion and a puffer can survive in the same tank? I am moving next month and i am planning my in wall 150 galon set up. Can these two fish survive together? Thanks
  12. tomclx

    Bubble Algae?

    To get rid of it, just increase your flow. I increased my flow, and within a week , it was completeley gone.
  13. tomclx

    New Puffer

    What do I feed my new porcupine puffer? He is a Juvenile about 2" long.
  14. tomclx


    I posted earlier regarding my new HUMU. I put him in tank 3 days ago. He has been wedged between two rocks for the last two days. LAst night when my lights came on, i couldnt finind him, and now this morning, I still cant find him. He is completeley gone. He was a juvenile, so he was very...
  15. tomclx


    Thanks. He hasnt come out of the same spot, I cant tell if he is ok. He is almost on his side wedged between a peice of live rock.
  16. tomclx


    Do Juvenile HUMU HUMUs HIde , and wedge themselves between rocks when introduced to a new tank. I put one in my tank last night, and it id hiding , and wedging itself between rocks.
  17. tomclx


    I posted the following in the aggressive fish thread, but was nt recieveing any repsonses. I cuurently have a 100 gallon FOWLR with nothing but a JUVI Blue HIPPO. Can I add a trigger and a puffer? I really like these two fish. What is compatible with a Trigger? Thanks
  18. tomclx

    What kind of shark is this

    I say go for it man...Sharks are awsome.
  19. tomclx


    Hi Guys, I cuurently have a 100 gallon FOWLR with nothing but a JUVI Blue HIPPO. Can I add a trigger and a puffer? I really like these two fish. What is compatible with a Trigger? Thanks
  20. tomclx

    What kind of shark is this

    Hey, That looks like a juvenile white tip shark. Caught them many times in the Broad river in South Carolina. White tips and Black tips are very plentiful popular in thoe waters off of the Carolinas.