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  1. rmc

    Angstrom UV garbage

    Has anyone had problems with Angstrom UV sterilizers ? I purchased a model AN8A two years ago. I awoke one morning to a flooded family room. The brain surgeons :notsure: that designed this piece of c#*p evidently did extensive 5 second testing on there product. They have a transparent center...
  2. rmc

    Can anyone help identify

    Beth At first I would say it looked more like fading. On Saturday the spots were getting smaller and less of them but that’s when I noticed some flaking on only one or two of the spots. He continues to improve daily. I have done the water change and continue to soak the food with Zoe and Zoe Con.
  3. rmc

    Can anyone help identify

    Thanks for the quick reply. He is still eating and swimming as usual. Fins are still being held high. I will start with the water change. Last fish was added 2 months ago a hippo tang. I do have a UV light in line with the pump and the bulb was changed with the last water change last month. I...
  4. rmc

    Can anyone help identify

    Here it is Thanks in advance..
  5. rmc

    Can anyone help identify

    Hello I have a Pinnate Bat in my 150 FO tank. Had him for over a year now, he is about 12 inches tall. Within the last two days he has developed large flat white spots. This is not the normal ick or anything I have seen before. The spots or lighter areas against the black are about a 1/4 to 3/8...
  6. rmc

    Anyone here had experince with a cuttlefish?

    DRIZCOL I have also been looking for a cuttlefish but have not been able to find one. Where are you located at or where is the shop located at. I thought it may be worth the drive if not to far.
  7. rmc

    Disposing of water

    All this talk about where to dump your saltwater. One thing I can tell you DO NOT just generalize with a septic system find out what type you have. Just like there are FO and Reef tanks there are different types of septic systems. With a septic system if you have a leach field you’re probably OK...
  8. rmc

    Angler dead Please help diagnose

    On Sunday I purchased a Wartskin Angler. I acclimated him into my 30 gal Qtank. On Monday and Tuesday he ate and everything looked fine. On Wednesday in the morning and early afternoon my wife said he was fine and moving around (as much movement as you could expect from an Angler). Later...
  9. rmc

    Pinecone Fish?

    Templar I purchased one of them, I see were all from the same area. If you decide to get one I would like to keep in contact on how your doing. I have been researching them for awile. It nice to get Pufferlovers input and anything else would also be appreciated. So far I have recieved info on...
  10. rmc

    Help!! my male boxfish wont eat.

    I have had my male box fish for almost a year now and also purchased a female about 5 months ago. Coconut is right with all the info. When I got my first box it was the same thing, tried everything the book said. The problem is my box didnt read the book. My turned around when I added some...
  11. rmc

    moorish idol! info? please

    Fugu I wanted to reply to your post when I noticed it early this morning but decided to wait and look up some info I found awhile ago on Moorish Idols. “ The diet of the individuals collected from Southeast Asia is coral, and because of this it is difficult to maintain. There are reports...
  12. rmc

    Don't paint your tank!

    I have painted two tanks so far and have had no problems. Try wiping down the glass with regular isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Then dry it with paper towels. I also use it when building sumps to silicone acrylic to glass inside the sump for dividers. Ive seen other posting here warning of only...
  13. rmc

    Anyone build their own stand before?

    Old Yeller Tang, I also built a high stand about 38" for my 150gal. I have also built a standard height stand for my 65gal, but the canopy I designed on the 65 does not add any heigth for access. I basically have a small trim board around the tank top and the entire canopy hinges up. I will use...
  14. rmc

    Box Fish

    Does anyone know where I can find additional information on the Boxfish. I have read the boards and have done searchs on many sites. I know of the dangers but am insterested in finding out more about pairing them, not mateing just pairing. I have had the Blue Boxfish (Ostracion meleagris) for...
  15. rmc

    Help pump heat problem

    Hi everyone Thank for all the response, sorry I am so long in getting back it's been a hectic week. Since the origional post I have seen the recall on the CSL T pumps. The place where I purchased the pump has agreed to exchange it for a new pump of my choice. After reading all the input I think...
  16. rmc

    Percula clown rumor

    I agree 100% with The New Guy. I have used Perc.'s for over 15 years to cycle my tanks, and have never lost a Perc. durring a cycle. The pair I have now I have had for about 4 years and they most recently cycled my 150gRR about a year ago and are still in the tank and doing great. My very first...
  17. rmc

    Help pump heat problem

    My day time temps are in the low to mid 70's. Also I have unpluged the heater so it cannot be the problem. The only thing running is the pump. thanks
  18. rmc

    Help pump heat problem

    I reciently finished setting up a new 65gRR FO tank. I had a Little Giant 4 MDQ-SC with 810 gph at 3' of head. This pump ran fine but the tank is in a office/TV room so I wanted something as quiet as possible. After searching the boards I purchased a new Custom SeaLife T1 pump. The pump is as...