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  1. rusting

    New lights

    well I bought 1 for under $150 it has great color 120 watts, I've had it about 2 weeks work great and looks great.
  2. rusting

    New lights

    Hi dose anyone have the Evergrow full spec D120 LED light fixture and how do you like it?
  3. rusting

    lighting repair

    Thanks 2 Quills I think I'm going to buy a new fixture they wore me out trying get a hold of somebody I wonder if it's that hard to buy from them? I'll never know. I will keep looking for someone to fix this one for a back up.
  4. rusting

    lighting repair

    No help from the seller and no help from S W C I won't deal with them any more
  5. rusting

    New leds

    I M O I would start out at 8 hrs and move up to 8-10 hrs for the white and 10-12 for the blue good luck with them
  6. rusting

    180 reeffish

    This is my first time photo if it works I'll try some more
  7. rusting

    Elegance Coral here at SWfish

    I never saw one last more than 4 mnths.
  8. rusting

    Freakin' huge aiptasia

    It will spread a Kline butterfly will keep it in check
  9. rusting

    New leds

    I hope they work out for you
  10. rusting


    I do 10 and 12 i leave the moons all the time
  11. rusting

    lighting repair

    The seller doesn't sell them any more, but they told me who dose I have a message to them. Thanks for the help 2 Quills
  12. rusting

    lighting repair

    I can't find any contact inf. for them I asker the site where i bought them a week ago but haven't heard back from them
  13. rusting

    lighting repair

    Hi everybody, I bought some L E D lights about 1'1/2 years ago now one is not working only the blues come on dose anyone know where to get them fixed in the Chicago area. I tried the seller to no avail. the lights are S W C Xtream Cree LED 60 watt
  14. rusting

    HELP - Fish Dying

    how are your water nitrate levels in my opinion weekly water changes of 20-25% will keep it in check and yes you are over stocked for that tank
  15. rusting

    New leds

    I,ve had the 3 watt LED,s Over my Tank For 18 months my coral look great and so do the fish I have a 180 with 180 watts of cree lighting.
  16. rusting


    Aquarium Use[edit] . They are used to promote coral and invertebrate growth. They are also used to accentuate the fluorescence of fluorescent fish.
  17. rusting

    has anyone used a nitrate filter? such as aquaripure?

    you can save money by doing weekly water changes of 20-25%
  18. rusting

    Metal Halide Help!

    It's never good to start and stop them to often
  19. rusting

    Metal Halide Help!

    i'm not either but if you can trace the wires back to the box and split the line and add a new circuit always turn off the power before you mess with it. may be best to call someone in to do it for you, not worth getting hurt!
  20. rusting

    Metal Halide Help!

    you may need a new circuit just for your tank and lights