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  1. tucker2

    Coraline algae

    A product called PurpleUp is supposed to work well. It is a liquid that you add daily. Do you currently have coraline algea in your setup?
  2. tucker2

    Adding Live Rock - End of 1st Cycle

    Since you will be purchasing cured live rock I would suggest waiting until the cycle is over before adding the live rock. Taking the fish back now, however, may not be a bad idea. Now that the cycle is in process they are not really needed anymore, plus the high nitrites is not good for them.
  3. tucker2

    Adding Live Rock - End of 1st Cycle

    Since you will be returning the fish, I would do that first and then add the cured live rock to the tank. Since the rock is cured you may not experience another cycle. Then, maybe wait a week before adding anything else.
  4. tucker2

    New to the hobby. (Tank Pics)

    Length of the cycle will vary, but I would say you are looking at 4-6 weeks. My take has been up and running for about 1 month and I am just about ready to add fish. How long has your tank been running? What are your water test readings?
  5. tucker2

    Hitchhiker Help...

    Thank you for the info!! I do believe that they are pods, but I would need a microscope to confirm. I am glad to hear that they are beneficial and a potential food source for fish. I hope to add my first fish by next weekend. Thanks, again!!
  6. tucker2

    Hitchhiker Help...

    Originally Posted by DaneDodger Can you post a picture or have you looked at the hitchiker id thread here? My tanks at work get these tiny white round things on the walls quite a bit. They're bigger than the head of a pin but smaller than a sequin and I think when I look very closely that they...
  7. tucker2

    Hitchhiker Help...

    They are so small that I cannot get a detailed look at them. At first sight they look like little white specks on the glass and then they start grawling on the glass. I browsed through the hitchhiker thread, but since they are so small it is hard to classify exactly what they are. What can I...
  8. tucker2

    Hitchhiker Help...

    I am about a month into the cycle and have noticed tiny white hitchhikers all over the glass. They seem to be multiplying rapidly. I am sure that they are beneficial, but would like to get them under control. I don't have any fish yet, but it will eventually be a FOWLR aggressive setup. Any...
  9. tucker2

    Really Need Advice!!!

    I'll give it a shot. Thanks!!
  10. tucker2

    Really Need Advice!!!

    Originally Posted by usinkit When I had my qt tank setup I ran a seaclone also and had the same problem. Where the water dumps back into the tank put a powerhead filter their. That will stop all your micro bubbles. HTH What do you mean by powerhead filter? The only powerhead filters I've seen...
  11. tucker2

    Really Need Advice!!!

    Skimmer has been running almost 1 week, but for the first 4 days the venturi valve was completely closed allowing no air (this was recommended by the lfs). A few days ago I opened the valve and ever since then I have had the microbubbles. I have adjusted the valve every way possible and found...
  12. tucker2

    Really Need Advice!!!

    Haven't had much luck in the equipment forum, so I thought I would try this one... My skimmer is producing microbubbles consistently. I tried adjusting the venturi valve every which way, but the bubbles remain. I have a Seaclone (which I realize now was a poor purchase). My question is...are...
  13. tucker2


    Also, The skimmer is only noisy when I allow air to pass through the venturi valve...Do you think it would be ok if I occasionally closed the valve stopping the air, thus preventing the noise, or does the air need to be provided 24/7 in order for the skimmer to be effective?
  14. tucker2

    Trigger Lovers

    I cannot wait until I can get a Humu. What size tank do you have and what are the Niger's tankmates?
  15. tucker2


    From what I understand the brown algea is common during the cycling process. Are you cycling your tank?
  16. tucker2


    Are you saying that a coralife super skimmer would not be producing the microbubbles? Thanks.
  17. tucker2


    I have hooked up the Seaclone skimmer and I am bummed about 2 things. First, microbubbles throughout the tank. Secondly, the air mixing with the water in the cylinder is pretty loud. Is there anything that can be done about these 2 things. Is this a Seaclone issue or would I have this issue...
  18. tucker2

    testing photo ability heres a pic of my little guys

    What size tank do you have now?
  19. tucker2

    Another RO/DI question.

    Do RO/DI units HOB or can they be placed below the tank?
  20. tucker2

    Recommendations for Saltwater Handbooks

    Originally Posted by Vanquish Also, any thoughts on The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta? I would highly recommend The New Marine Aquarium. It is an easy read and very informative.