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  1. oxbeard

    morrish idol

    Originally Posted by My Way And you know this for fact? Honestly I'm really getting sick of people telling someone their fish WILL die. The odds of keeping an Idol alive long term are slim, but that does not mean this person's fish will die. Unless you mean that all living things die eventually...
  2. oxbeard


    Our LFS doesn't sell for 3 days and makes sure the fish is eating before they sell. They even refused to sell me a fish one time because he said he had been watching it and didn't like the way it had been doing. I usually go in the first of each week and if I find anything they will hold it for...
  3. oxbeard

    Sandsifting Goby???

    Not sure if this is a complete list, but these are the ones I have seen listed as sand sifters. Of course a lot will depend on what's available in your area. Diamond Watchman Goby (Valenciennea puellaris) Two Spot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus) Tiger Watchman Goby (Valenciennea wardii) Sleeper...
  4. oxbeard

    Reef Glue?

    Actually I just used the loctite get for the first time last week. I just put a small amount on the coral, positioned it on the rock then used a shell that was in the tank to scotch it in place. Within about 2 or 3 minutes I checked and it was holding securely so I removed the scotch. This has...
  5. oxbeard

    Got my live rock and sand today.. not too happy though

    Can't help you on what color it should be since I have always bought locally so far. But as far as the rubble in the DT goes, if you have a jawfish or goby, they will love it. I put a pile of rubble on one side of our 110 and our goby has made a very complex system of tunnels out of it. We...
  6. oxbeard

    Question about a new RO/DI Filter

    Sounds normal. On average it takes 4 gallons of waste water for 1 gallon of usable water.
  7. oxbeard

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    $400 for a report card, definitely can't let my kids see this thread. LOL
  8. oxbeard

    What kind of timer to use

    You could simply use 3 separate single timers, or if you wanted an all in one unit you could go with something like the Coralife Dual Powercenter. It will turn your PC on when your Moonlights go off, then has a second timer for your MH.
  9. oxbeard

    empty hermit shells?

    Originally Posted by alyssia You can buy shells from a craft store. Just make sure you boil them first. We do the same thing.
  10. oxbeard

    DiamondGoby- Sand everywhere!

    We got a sleeper gold head goby 3 or 4 weeks ago and ended up with an instant "snowstorm". Water has finally started to begin clearing up over the last few days. Hopefully, this trend will continue.
  11. oxbeard


    I have a Seaclone 100 and 150. So far haven't had any problems and both have worked well. I did modify the 150 resulting with even more production.
  12. oxbeard

    anemone mouth all teh way through

    That's awesome!! Thanks for the pics.
  13. oxbeard

    Calling all trigger owners/previous owners!

    Might get more answers in the Aggressive Fish section. I am by no means an expert, but Triggers are definitely not supposed to mix well with Lions. The Clown Trigger could be a big concern in and of itself. From most reports I have read, he should be a species only tank. I know there are...
  14. oxbeard

    Finding Nemo?

    Originally Posted by MilwaukeeM I understand what your saying but at one point and time the hobby started from people taking the fish out of the ocean, etc..... So even though we may not particularly take them out of the ocean ourselves it is undoubtly where they come from... And I would have a...
  15. oxbeard

    porcelain and sally lightfoots

    Originally Posted by team2jndd Its almost 100 lbs in a 60 bow. The tanks full of live rock. I used to hand feed him so I dont see how he starved but, i dont know how else he could of died. I first bought him because the lfs he was in was terrible and he was dieing. I didnt think hed make it but...
  16. oxbeard

    Hydor flow deflectors ??

    Originally Posted by Murph In my case it appears that the gearing on the pin that rest in the mechanism sideways and rotates the main part of the deflector has worn and in one case a missing teeth. Probably my own fault for running more GPH through it than recommended and placing on power heads...
  17. oxbeard

    Too late to paint tank?

    Did the same thing with our 110. About a week after I had it set up, decided it would look much better with the back painted. I had about 4.5" of space behind the tank to work with and used latex paint and roller. Took my time and worked out fine. Of course, no plans to put off painting the back...
  18. oxbeard

    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

    Okay, now I am successfully confused about this clown. This looks exactly like the one I bought recently that immediately began hosting my LTA (Yeaaa!!) When I bought it, it was being sold as a B&W Oscellarus. Just thought it must be some variant with yellow fins. Anyway, by no surprise found...
  19. oxbeard

    Hydor flow deflectors ??

    I have had one of mine to stop spinning. After disassembling to clean and check it over, I found that 2 teeth had broken from one of the gears. No hope for that one now. Not sure what would make all of yours stop though. Did you make sure the deflector was seated all of the way down on the gear...
  20. oxbeard

    Question for you RO/DI users

    Sounds normal. I believe it takes something like 4 gallons of waste water to make 1 gallon of RO/DI water. Guess the water bill will depend a lot on the rates in your area and how much water you need for weekly water changes.