I've also been lookin into these but wasnt sure if I should buy the redsea wavemaster "at least 100$" or just a surge protecter type of one usually much less.
since your on the sanjay thing lol "been lookin forever" do you know of the site that has side by side pics of different brands of bulbs in different color temps was a real good pictoral comparison as well as spectrum info of reef bulbs but cant find it anymore??
if i remeber it was...
single ended 175 250 and 400
double ended 75 150 250 400 and might be more option out there
sorry didnt mention most importantly the built in uv shield difference
questiong some of that myself with diy projector applications
not that it wont work but asthecily, it will look different to you being the viewer if they are arranged in one arrangement compared to another. probably want to move them around and see what you like best. Might want to take pictures though :)
seen your post but figured i should finish "showing" for other who don't know as others will save this post and refer them to it later :) u need to go into a picture editing program such as ms paint or photoshop or something and either skew it "shrink it pixel by pixel" or change format to a...
shouldnt be a problem my lfs has many together in same tank even different species on top of each other but theyre may be certain types you ought not keep together