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  1. blissninny

    Live Rock Aquascaping

    I have ordered fiji lr from this site twice and was thoroughly impressed each time...beautiful and full of life.
  2. blissninny

    What comes out of live rock?

    I have found copepods, featherdusters and little snake-looking striped worms in mine.
  3. blissninny

    New Tank

    I'll try that - thanks! Don't happen to be in this city selling a tank do you?
  4. blissninny

    New Tank

    Any recommendations on where the best prices are for a new tank? I am looking to purchase a 150 gallon with equipment.
  5. blissninny

    What does this look like to you?

    Has more of the 8.4 tone but darker...
  6. blissninny


    I will try the hypo (providing the fish is still alive when I get home). At any rate, I will be setting up a QT so this, hopefully, doesn't happen again. It's not as simple as the loss of money spent on these fish rather the attachment and then seeing them die... Thank you for the posts!
  7. blissninny

    newb questions

    Ditto. This may not help the original poster but it will help someone else...the first time I smiled today was when I read Darknes' reply and looked at the dates. Great attitude debdeb!
  8. blissninny


    I reiterated my concerns about using it to the LFS and they assured me it was reef friendly...
  9. blissninny


    I added the fish at different times. I check the levels much more frequently than is required. The only thing off recently is a touch of ammonia but it is very slight and I use ammonia detox for that which brings it back down. It has registered a few times in the past week.
  10. blissninny


    I got Rid Ick from the LFS and treated the tank.
  11. blissninny


    I set the tank up Feb 11, 06... 20% water change Apr 01, 06...added live rock Apr 6, 06...added 2 clowns, 2 shrimp, turbo snails...Apr 22, 06 clown dies...finally after the addition and loss of other fish, I started a treatment for Ick (removing the carbon) and lost all but this one. Carbon is...
  12. blissninny


    75 gallon fully cycled, 100 lbs live rock, 2 cleaners, blue legs, turbo snails, coral, had fish and am on my last one now...they have all died even with recommendations on how to treat whatever may have been wrong in the tank. I woke up this morning and my clown (last fish) looked like he had a...
  13. blissninny

    Help Sick Clown fish

    I have a clown that has the exact simptoms...did you find out the cause of it? PS Sorry about Mitch.
  14. blissninny

    Sick Clown

    Something is going on in my tank...I lost both anemones and now one of my clowns looks very pale and does not open/close mount...her mouth appears to stay open all the time and she acts like she is blind. There is a small dark orange spot in the middle of the lower jaw. Does anyone have any...
  15. blissninny

    purplish black stuff

    I lost both anemones and now one of my clowns looks very pale and does not open/close appears to stay open all the time and acts like she is blind.
  16. blissninny

    purplish black stuff

    How do you plan to treat it?
  17. blissninny

    purplish black stuff

    Yes. It is slimy looking and growing from the plants (what's left of them) and on the LR.
  18. blissninny

    purplish black stuff

    I have an established tank and recently my plants died and my anemones look like they are close to death. I have checked all the levels and they are fine but the one thing I have noticed lately is a dark purplish black growth in the tank...what is it and could this be causing the problem?
  19. blissninny

    It's Finally Ready

    Thanks for the info. Was hoping for an easy out with the selection of fish but I guess I really do need to do the research. Did you order your cleaner crew from this website? My tank is so ugly (all brown) right now that I need to do something. Not sure of my lighting so will wait on the...
  20. blissninny

    It's Finally Ready

    After two very long months, my tank is ready for the cleaner crew, anemone and fish...please help me with the selection. I initially wanted trigger and grouper but my tank is only 80 gallons so that is not an option. What kind of clean up crew do I need, what anemone and what fish. I want to...