Originally Posted by Hunt
just curius but are you saying that if i had somthing like a red tree sponge i could put it in a cycling tank and it wouldnt die and it would speed up the proccess?
no, he's talking about a filter sponge. There would be beneficial bacteria growing in it if it was in...
Originally Posted by Bulldog123
How do you shrink the thread? I just got this same tank but its to much effort to read the entire thread.
hold down the "ctrl" button and scroll your mouse wheel down.
Well I just checked the water I've been using for water changes and it has .1 ppm Nitrite so I guess that solves the mystery, so question is, can I still use this water or is that level harmful to fish and inverts? and is this the cause of the diatoms or something else?
Hey guys, I have a 12 gallon tank. Only 2 weeks old, no cycle because of aged rock and live sand. I currently have a Paracheilinus mccoskeri (McCosker's Flasher Wrasse) in it. [Although I'm pretty sure he's a Flasher Mutt so maybe Paracheilinus flavianalis x Paracheilinus mccoskeri] {I digress}...
Originally Posted by meowzer
Probably the lights......
While my understanding is that Pink Tips need less light than other anemones, I still think you're falling short, although for it to die that quickly is uncommon if lighting is the problem. I would check your alkalinity, and recheck...
Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
so cute
Originally Posted by fishkid13
Very nice tank. Love how the corals have grown together.
Thanks, the tank has been up and running for a while. It's been a lot of work along the road :P
hmm, from that picture it could just be red mushroom polyps, which are fine, and in a lot of cases, desirable. I may be wrong though, kind of hard to tell from that close up picture.
My 210 Gallon Reef:
Blue Hippo Surgeonfish
2x Anthias (Pseudanthias)
Pajama Cardinalfish
3x Percula Clownfish
3x Yellow Tang
Red Sea Purple Tang
Diamond Goby
A few Green Chromis
Fire Shrimp
2x Large Clams, 1 Medium
LOTS of hermits and snails
LOTS of coral
Originally Posted by jplace003
Thanks for the advise on the the little majano anemone as I have like 4-5 of them in the tank now, I will try to pull them off the rocks next water change. The good thing is on that little piece in the back its just a small piece of dead coral I can just remove...
I'm not sure, I was thinking maybe another goby, like a Amblygobius rainfordi but I'm not really sure about compatability issues with 2 gobies in the same tank. I've read that Clown Gobies can usually avoiding getting picked on, and I have the right kind of rockwork for a clown goby to have...
woa, very similiar situation here, not selling anything but found my old tank (the exact same one as yours) in my garage. I set it up yesterday and bought 13lbs of live rock and 15lbs of live sand. waiting for the cycle and still trying to decide on a stocklist I'll post a pic in a minute, I...