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  1. doglvr


    We had a Snowflake Eel, and I would agree that these two eels would not be a good match in your tank. Our snowflake tunneled in the LSB all the time, as well as through the LR. Snowflakes are beautiful and I think you will find having just one eel is enough. At roughly 18" mine would eat 4...
  2. doglvr

    Curing Water

    I've used an airstone with a cheap aquarium pump & a heater to make up my water for 2 years & never had a problem. I buy a new one every couple of months.
  3. doglvr

    hitchhikers....when will I see them???

    You will be amazed at what will come from the LR, once the water conditions are safe for them. Your tank needs to be set up and cycled first. You'll see more & more types of life as you go through cycling
  4. doglvr

    So lost....

    Because you have a lot to learn and quickly, my first suggestion is to go to the link below and read, read, read! There is a lot of information to help you get the basics. Can you get pictures of your fish posted so we can help ID? If not, go through the fish/coral sold here and ID your...
  5. doglvr

    lets see those LTA and BTA

    Here's my BTA. split 3 weeks ago:
  6. doglvr

    High Temperature Spike

    A couple of weeks ago my heater broke & the temp went up to 98! Discovered this when I got home from work, everything was suffering. My tank is 30g. I had 6g of SW going in the garage with no heater on it so it was 68 (along with the bottled RO). Put an airline on a power head to get oxygen in...
  7. doglvr

    Deb's 90g Reef

    A broken heater took my 30g up to 98 degrees. The Frogspawn was the only livestock that died from this. A couple of days later all the pink coraline died off & created a huge ammonia spike. Moving day to the 90g came sooner than planned. After a week, everything is looking great. Fish: 2...
  8. doglvr

    My BTA split!

    Originally Posted by 9g so its started white and turned brown when they grow up? excuse my newness in the saltwater category. The only stupid question is the one you didn't ask! Welcome to the board and the hobby! Anemones reproduce by splitting off parts of themselves, so each would be a...
  9. doglvr

    BACKGROUND: tryin to paint need help!

    My LFS recommended Krylon Semi-Flat in the can. Just did my 90g a week ago and it looks good (although I still have no feeling in my index finger)
  10. doglvr

    Bye Bye Yellow Tang

    Damsels are very aggressive and territorial. If you get them now, you won't be able to add other fish later. As far as adding a 3rd to the two you have now, it's been my experience that it does not take long for fish to establish territory so depending on the size of your tank, the two may...
  11. doglvr

    My BTA split!

    Can't say exactly why this happen, but can tell you what I think could be some of the factors: 1. Space - it seemed to have gone through a growth spurt the last 3-4 weeks. With the toadstool on the left, the xenia on top and the tube below all growing too, things were probably getting a little...
  12. doglvr

    Deb's 90g Reef

    Originally Posted by cjason3041 ... that dog looks....ahem.. real tired No, he's actually giving me that "oh so sorry" look, he broke his down-stay and trying to slink away! Just didn't want his picture taken, camera shy, lol. He's a great dog! After 2 years of rescue work & assisting with...
  13. doglvr

    My BTA split!

    Have had this for just about 1 year, and this is what it looked like when I brought it home from the LFS: Dramatic change!
  14. doglvr

    My BTA split!

    Came home from work today and found two BTA's in my tank. This is a pic taken on 7/8 and today: This is the new one:
  15. doglvr

    Calling All 55 Reef Tanks!

    Originally Posted by fishkid2 i know what ppls are going to say when i show my pic LOL! I sure know how you feel! I bought a dime size one for my 30g knowing that I would have to give it up in a few months. It got to be that time to let...
  16. doglvr

    Deb's 90g Reef

    Originally Posted by Shrimpi got any pics of your tube anemone? I just got mine a few weeks ago. How big did yours get? How do you know it ate all your pods? I feed mine daily. I have a mandarin and lots of pods and I havent SEEN any pods come to thier demise over the tube anemone? Weirder stuff...
  17. doglvr

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    Originally Posted by rmiller429 pretty excited.....I started with a 29, moved up to a 55, then this'm sure I will have plenty of questions....I'm kind of dissapointed because It got damaged when they were bringing it they have to touch up the canopy a bit..I'll...
  18. doglvr

    Post your lobster pics!!!

    Dropped the Purple Reef Lobster in my tank. It paused for perhaps 10 seconds, then went into the rocks, never to be seen again. About 3 weeks later, there in the open sand bed was a shell, thus the only pic I have of my Lobster (and not a very good one at that):
  19. doglvr

    Havs anyone had issues with salinity due to evaporation?

    Welcome to the club! I top my 30g with at least 1/2 to 1 gallon fresh RO water every night.
  20. doglvr

    Deb's 90g Reef

    I've finally got all the LR in the tank & have it reef scaped for now. Joe's Juice has worked like a charm on the Aip. I've been picking them off one by one! Had to put the plant between the tanks, the Coral Beauty & Hippo are very interested in the "sea" next door! Both are hanging out at...