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  1. mrducks

    new fish advice

    We have a 3 foot long porcupine puffer at a public aquarium where I work. Its kinda scary.
  2. mrducks


    Flame angels are not really agressive towards other fish (could be towards other angels). Hawkfish are cool. To see what a marine betta looks like, look in the fish section on this website. It is under the category groupers.
  3. mrducks

    Is my tank Itchy?!?!?!?

    Probably nothing to worry about too much. Probably just copepods or something.
  4. mrducks

    help with condi!

    And... if tha link didnt take you far enough choose the light that says Coralife Lunar Aqualights compact Flourescent light strip.
  5. mrducks

    help with condi!

    Where those dashes are (i guess it wont let you say the word) i meant that place where you do auctions online.
  6. mrducks

    help with condi!

    Actually 2 24 inch fixtures or 1 48 inch. If you are interested still heres the fixture I would get. It comes with bulbs and would supply a sufficient amount of light to the anemonies. If thats too expensive check ---- for a similar product. http://www.**************.com/Produc...&N=2004+113345
  7. mrducks

    Picaso trigger ratting

    ummm... about a 7 I guess.
  8. mrducks

    help with condi!

    There was a link at the bottom to show you the prices if you didnt catch that.
  9. mrducks

    help with condi!

    All that is, is a power compact light fixture (PC) with a single 65 watt bulb. You could get that a lot of places. What size is your tank? These are PC light fixtures. Depending on tank size i would get a PC fixture that holds 2 of the bulbs. You can still get the 50/50s...
  10. mrducks

    Cure my tang (PICS)

    Yah its kinda hard to tell theres anything wrong with the tang in the pictures. But if you think it has Bacterial infection/HLLE, keeping it on a varied and nutritious diet and maintaining pristine water quality may help(there are some medications for bacterial infections.) . Ick may not be gone...
  11. mrducks

    Yellow Tang in a 55.......

    o my bad i didnt even see the second page before i posted
  12. mrducks

    Yellow Tang in a 55.......

    Tugg Life made a fairly good point earlier on i think. Almost ALL tangs are wild caught. Really arnt easy to breed in captivity.
  13. mrducks


    ya it is kind of hard to see in the pictures.
  14. mrducks


    Hard to say, ick does seem have a way of changing its appearance. Either way tangs are quite ich magnets so it probably was/is some kind of parasite. You say it wasnt really white, what color was it?
  15. mrducks

    butterfly and humu humu

    Copperbands are quite difficult to keep alive for long periods of time. They are challenging to feed, need somewhat PEACEFUL tankmates and a tank that has been established for several months. A picasso trigger really wouldnt be a suitable tankmate long term. Like said before a large tank with...
  16. mrducks

    What size powerhead?

    If the tank already has good flow all over than you may not need anything. If you do, it doesnt need to be pumping water all that powerfully. If it will be aimed direclty at the coral, nothing too strong. The purpose of the water flow to the corals is really just to provide food and...
  17. mrducks

    Opinions on List.....

    Sounds good to me!
  18. mrducks


    Are you using RO water? If not then yah theres all sorts of chemicals (phosphates,silicates) that will promote algae growth after a while. All i can recommend is like said before, to get a good magnet cleaner and some blennies . Also when the lighting hasnt been replaced in a while(even though...
  19. mrducks

    Uneven floor

    May or may not, hard to say. If its against a wall, better to have the tank lean back than forward. Did you check the floor with a level first, you may not have even needed styrofoam. How bad is the lean? can you still see the water line even when the tank is full.
  20. mrducks

    How to Tell if firefish has ich?

    Keep an eye on the fish and check frequently for the spots, they are easier to see at certain times than others. Try to look at his whole body from different angles as this may allow you to see it better if its there. If over a period of a couple days you see no more signs, likely wasnt...