Search results

  1. sonnyg

    Richmond, VA tank sale or trade

    id love to buy the rock if reasonable
  2. sonnyg

    Anyone want to give things away?

    ive got some aptaisia looking for a good home
  3. sonnyg

    Complete 55 Gallon Aquarium Setup - Maryland

    im interested in the rock
  4. sonnyg

    possible protien skimmer problem???

    you are just giving the skimmer work if you are putting stress coat in...... ya really wanna see a skimmer go nuts? put in some of that red slime remover. i would just get a 5 gallon bucket and during the football games run the waste into the bucket. refill with good water the skimmer will tell...
  5. sonnyg

    Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!

    my triggers and my late lionfish{i think he pissed of the undulated one day} will eat cooked peeled shrimp from the grocery store. they love it and it cleans up easy ... no shells
  6. sonnyg

    I have soms stuff to trade

    candycane....... anything else to trade? im in northern va. email at
  7. sonnyg

    Directions around the D.C area for reef shops???

    a few good shops....... email me at
  8. sonnyg

    Viper, sorry again, ANYONE with Acan knowledge

    candycane i might be able to help with this issue..... take some of the acans from the first pic and send them to me and we can see if they open up here
  9. sonnyg

    Which trigger to get mantis?

    ive got an undulated that owns a harley and a big pickup. some triggers will eat anything they can catch, but im not sure if the trigger will spend that much time on the shrimp, especially if there are other things around for him to munch on
  10. sonnyg

    Cynobacteria Problem

    get under your tank and look up....... cyano on a sand bed grows to the bottom of the sand... where the cyano is you will see a black spot. if its growing from the sand and not rock just vacuming the top of the sand doesnt get rid of it.... after you get it gone remember tank maint and good...
  11. sonnyg

    Pics my algae problem. Need help

    quick question....... what is the substrate? aragonite or sand?... and since you dont have corals you can do this.worked for me years ago. algae needs food and light to live. turn the lights out and cover the tank for 48 hours cover it with a black plastic bag= no light after 48 hours clean...
  12. sonnyg


    id taske it anywhere but *****........ you know anyone else with a reef?
  13. sonnyg

    400 watts????

    what kind of ballasts do you have with the hamilton?
  14. sonnyg

    A lesson learned and a warning too!!

    i took my floating hydrometer and tossed it from across the room, now i have little lead balls all over the bottom of my tank. (just kidding) i use the plastic cheapo type. we have 5 in the house, i just keep using the same one. hell if its wrong my corals and fish dont care. and if we are so...
  15. sonnyg

    What are the reasons for a SPS to bleach and lose tissue

    that conversation should be printed ( Im serious ) in its entirety. just by reading one gets an incredible insight as to what can go wrong with sps corals. although i havent had that issue in was very enlightening. thank you. oh yea and by the way candy cane if your looking to give away any...
  16. sonnyg

    How do I catch the lil fellar

    will they eat? if so ive caught fish with a gallon jar......... put food in it in the back and have a net big enough to cover the mouth. when they go in , and if they are hungry thery will , put the net over the top and lift it out
  17. sonnyg

    Trading in MD - DC - N. VA

    hey necter what color is your zenia?
  18. sonnyg

    top down picture contest !AWARD!

    lol i dont need to win anything.... but im learning to take pics of my stuff
  19. sonnyg

    top down picture contest !AWARD!

    heres a few more
  20. sonnyg

    top down picture contest !AWARD!

    someone tell me how to do this