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  1. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Din, It took some time for them to get used to the tank and so forth. The female comes out in the open much more than the male. Or at least that is the case with mine. I feed them small pieces of big krill, chunks of squid and clam. Stuff they can eat, but the smaller fish can't. I think...
  2. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Din, FWIW, I have had pepp. shrimp and cleaner shrimp with mine for some time. They don't seem to bother each other at all.
  3. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Thanks! I'll be the first to admit it is luck. It is so cool to see, and now to share with everyone.
  4. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Last one.
  5. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

  6. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Another. The female has completed laying eggs and is leaving the nest. I assume this is the female because it is the one that laid them. It is also bigger than the other. The smaller, I presume male, stays and gaurds the eggs and nest. When they are in the process of spawning, their color...
  7. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Another. There are two sets of pectoral fins in the nest, right and left. The eggs can be seen between them. Kind of yellow looking blob.
  8. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Another. Sorry, I don't know how to post multiple pics on one post.
  9. mal

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    My bettas have been spawning in my tank for several months now. The eggs have hatched twice, and I have not had any of the fry survive. I'm still working on that. The last batch of eggs disappeared three days ago, no fry. I walked by the tank tonight about 730pm and saw them in the nest doing...
  10. mal

    Been gone awhile......

    JW, There is one other person I am aware of who has seen the mating dance in his tank. Unfortunately the thread is on another BB. I tagged along with his thread for a while, but it is unclear if his ever laid eggs or hatched. I have a few e-mails out to some folks with more credentials than...
  11. mal

    Been gone awhile......

    Thanks guys. The reef is doing very well. I got the 140 up and running a while ago, and transfered everything from the 80 bow into it. Had two casualties. My elegance, and my hammer. MAJOR bummer, I had both for almost two years. Anyway, I upgraded from pc's to 3 175w MH. I was one of the...
  12. mal

    Been gone awhile......

    I was gone for a while. I started a new job. Not really a new job, same job, but I work for a different agency now. You know, more money, better benefits etc etc. Anyway....I'm back. Look forward to chatting about reefs again. Fill me in on what I've missed the last couple months. hehe
  13. mal

    90 gallon whidbey island washington

    How big / old are the flame angel and purple tang? I can get over there easy. Have any frags to trade? You're not tearing your reef down are you?
  14. mal

    metal halide question

    I have three 175w 12k bulbs on my tank. I really like the color of them. The color is really a personal decision. I like 10k bulbs too, they are nice a bright, but the 12k's have just a bit more blue to make it look really cool to me. You have plenty of light, now just find your preference to...
  15. mal

    Metal Halide? Glass between lights and water?

    I have 3 175w MH over my 140 and no top. No problems.
  16. mal

    What additives do people add?

    I use Kent turbo calcium, Kent super buffer and Seachem reef builder. That is it. I do soak the food in Kent zoe, so I guess I add that also. I totally agree with less is more. I used to add other junk too, but after a ton of reading, and wanting to try myself, I stopped adding other stuff...
  17. mal

    OT - No BS Guys, we are going to war ...

    I'm just waiting for the IRR call up. My wife is vapor locked when the news comes on and there are more troop deployments. Bobby Clark, Did you know anyone in "E" Btry 2/12 out of stumps? Particularly Ssgt Waddell or Top Halsworth? I went to boot with Waddell. I'm an 0811. I've noticed...
  18. mal

    FS: 180g reef in Seattle

    Sorry to hear it won't work in the new house. That stinks. If you consider selling the rock and some sand separate, please let me know. Adam
  19. mal

    Any good WetDry w/Skimmer brand?

    A wet dry filter generally will have bio-balls, filter sponges and / or filter floss type material in it. Or some combination of those. These filters work for removing waste in general, but are maintenence intensive IMO in that you have to clean out the sponges and change out filter materials...
  20. mal

    Update on new Harlequin shrimp(pics)

    Here is a cool link to a mantis movie. It's kinda funny.