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  1. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    thanks, one thing if you get the light I have or similar, it's a 12" twin tube by coralife don't get the plus mounting legs, just get the standard, the plus are a little large.
  2. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    Thanks for the concern, I have two apstasia now that I need to get rid of, just a pest nothing really wrong though. I'll get rid of them eventually, they don't spread fast in my tank thankfully.
  3. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    Anything else just ask
  4. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    Originally Posted by maelv atmachine5, you have a full tank shot? I want to see how your lights sit on top of your tank...trying to get some ideas..... Thanks Ya I'll go take one Perfect dark are they the second and last pic, the larger ones? I know the one type of mushroom I have can be...
  5. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Nice tank looks awesome. Careful with those anenomies they are not friendly in small tanks. And they multiply like crazy... Which ones, the mushrooms? aquaguy you should, there a lot of fun, thanks.
  6. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    Thanks, don't have too many corals yet since I'm still waiting to get test kits for them, just a few basic ones until then.
  7. atmachine5

    12g aquapod

    Could add some zoo's, maybe a small leather. Not sure on stocking wise, some people don't like clowns in 12gallons but a good tankmate for them are firefish, just not sure if you have the room, maybe a clown goby.
  8. atmachine5

    5.5 nano...lots of pics

    Here's my 5.5 US gallon. It's almost 3 months old now. Lighting is 36w cp fluorescent stocking is: 1xgreen clown goby 1xemerald crab 1xred leg hermit 2xastrea snails 1xfeather duster corals 10xstriped mushrooms, don't remember the scientific name off top of my head but their aggressive...
  9. atmachine5

    Win BIG prize if you can ID this

    ok thanks, glad to know what it is, got one more but it only comes out at night, I think it's a tube anenome will have to post pics of that tomorrow.
  10. atmachine5

    Win BIG prize if you can ID this

    Ok anybody else think it's a polyp? it could be a polyp, but it hasn't spread at all, from my understanding polyps spread rather fast and become a nusance if not controlled.
  11. atmachine5

    Getting a 24gal. SW!

    Ya you could keep a clown fish, just research the type you want. A pair I don't know. you could keep a firefish also, clown goby or other small goby and maybe some blennies, not sure on those though. Have fun
  12. atmachine5

    Win BIG prize if you can ID this

    Just kidding but you can buy yourself a nice cold beer to celebrate Can anybody ID this, they came in on LR. It has been in the tank for 3 months. Thanks
  13. atmachine5

    Anybody know if this is a good camera for fish Is this one better?
  14. atmachine5

    Anybody know if this is a good camera for fish

    yes I've been looking into olympus but was looking at this for the price. this help I was thinking of this as more of a starter camera right now and in another year maybe get a higher quality olympus or canon camera.
  15. atmachine5

    Anybody know if this is a good camera for fish Anybody know if this is ok to take pics of my tank and closeups of fish and corals or if it's durable and reliable at all. It seems like a simple camera which is what I want, just wondering if it's OK to buy. Thanks
  16. atmachine5

    Hands in the Tank?

    I've done this in my FW tank for 1.5yrs. before knowing and never had problems and still do sometimes. I use gloves in my SW most of the time though.
  17. atmachine5

    Fragging Zoos

    Cool, maybe you should try growing it on a powerhead
  18. atmachine5

    Little help with clown goby eating

    That's good to know, hopefully mine will be the same. I have no problem with waiting, I have plenty of patience.
  19. atmachine5

    Any Pic's Of A 6gal Nano Cube

    Not certain but do you have to cure your lr, is that why? Like the placement though, will look better with color. Here's my 5.5 with 36w of cp lighting. Only a few months in. I'm going slow and still don't have all my livestock in and only some mushrooms that I liked for now for corals.
  20. atmachine5

    Little help with clown goby eating

    Ok thanks, I'll get hatching some bbs today and see what happens with flakes. Right now he swims a lot when the moonlight's on but not when my pc's are on. Hopefuly that will change a bit. thanks