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  1. hawkeye

    Super Fish???

    Ok, no more pushing the limits, creating stress and losing or having to return fish to my LFS... I have had my tank for 1.5 years and in that time I have had three fish die and had to take my Niger back b/c he outgrew my tank. It took me awhile, but I have reached the point where I am no longer...
  2. hawkeye

    Niger Trigger

    Niger's have a slow growth rate -- mine has MAYBE grown 1.5 inches in a 6 month period
  3. hawkeye

    Order off

    Can anyone tell me if feed their lions live or if they feed frozen. I am thinking of getting a dwarf and anetennata, but would like to order one that is already eating frozen.
  4. hawkeye

    Can eels get ick???

    They can get ick, but you are right - they are much tougher then most fish. You can even cycle your tank with certain eels, though I would recommend it.
  5. hawkeye

    What about the deog face puffer?

    Puffing is usually a sign of stress. Even if there is no aggression it is most likely that one feels threatened by the other and has to show how big he is. Is it at random times or during feeding? If you notice it during feeding then that is a sure sign that one is clearly dominent over the...
  6. hawkeye


    If you could find a decent size Valentini and move everything it MIGHT work, but the eel would have a much better chance. Chainlink would work better due to their size.
  7. hawkeye

    what fish to get ? need i deas

    Also keep a close eye on your Puff - with all those triggers, he could get stressed pretty easy. But if things are working stick with it - that sounds like an awesome tank.
  8. hawkeye

    what fish to get ? need i deas

    Zebra Moray would be cool - LFS has one with a Snow and the two are together all the time - kind of cool to see their two heads sticking out of the same hole. Just an idea
  9. hawkeye

    Is 30 gal out of the question

    A small puff would probably work (sharpnoise family) and they can hold their own pretty well, depending on there size.
  10. hawkeye

    55g lion and snowflake what else

    Your tank (55) would be perfect with the three you mentioned. Valentini, dwarf and snow. As for the 30 - if you can find a decent sized Valentini I would suggest that to go with your snow. A hawk would also be good with a snow - I would suggest a Flame Hawk I had both in my 55 and the eel was...
  11. hawkeye

    risc what do you keep in your 12000g?

    Risc, With all those tanks I would have tons of pictures, why is it that you haven't added any? I would think that if you have that many tanks then you would also have some sort of access to a digital camera. Just wondering?
  12. hawkeye

    Zebra Morray Eel

    The Melafix will do nothing if the eel has ick. Melafix only helps wounds caused by biting from other fish. So if it ick you need to find some other treatment. Also, eels are smoothed skin fish are will not take copper treatment very well. Hawkeye
  13. hawkeye

    Need some advice

    Do you think that will help with the ammonia levels?
  14. hawkeye

    Need some advice

    My ammonia levels have been high and it is due to over feeding. My routine is freeze dried krill in the morning and then frozen brine or fronzen mysis or formula 2 at night. When they are feed twice I have no problems, but if they only get fed once then my puff picks on my clown. I have had...
  15. hawkeye

    Test Strips

    I bought Aqua Lab V (test strips) to test my ammonia. I have done a water change (3 days ago) and also changed the sponges and activated carbon in my filter (fluval 304). After this the test still shows amonia around .25. My fish are eating and acting fine. My question is how acurate are these...
  16. hawkeye

    Aqua Lab V

    I bought Aqua Lab V (test strips) to test my ammonia. I have done a water change (3 days ago) and also changed the sponges and activated carbon in my filter (fluval 304). After this the test still shows amonia around .25. My fish are eating and acting fine. My question is how acurate are these...
  17. hawkeye

    Color fade

    anyone else have input?
  18. hawkeye

    Color fade

    blue hippo
  19. hawkeye

    Color fade

    Can a tang's color fade, it appears that mine is. He is young and I have only had him for a little over two weeks. He eats like a horse and I his diet includes flake, frozen brine, frozen mysis, freeze dried krill and life line (green). All levels are good and the other fish haven't bothered...
  20. hawkeye

    Horseshoe Crab

    Then how would you siphon your gravel each month when you don't know where they are at? Wouldn't you just suck them up into the siphon?