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  1. nicetanknofish

    hitch hiker id

    I have this orange thing that we thought was a mushroom, but have since noticed it moves around the tank, it is about 1 inch total. It looks just like a mushroom. I would take a pic, but I don't know where it is. It does have a hole or maybe a mouth at the center.
  2. nicetanknofish

    help with setting up lighting

    I have coralife PC with lunar, how exactly do I set it up on timer to replicate nature (day and night)? I have the actinic, 10000K and lunar all on seperate switches. Please give me examples of times for each.
  3. nicetanknofish

    heater question

    The room temp is about 72, I live in Michigan and it has been really cold here. The temp would drop a couple of degrees and then we turned it up and it would go up too high, we keep trying to get it at the right temp, but it doesn't seem to want to keep it there.
  4. nicetanknofish

    heater question

    I have a 75g tank, temp is not maintaining, currently I have a 300w in the sump, can I add a 150w or should I take out the 300w and add 2 150w? Thanks
  5. nicetanknofish

    need sandsifter ideas

    I need sandsifting creatures; but not sure what is best to get and how many. I have a 75g, up for about 3 months now, currently have 10 hermit crabs and 10 nasarius snials, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint, 2 fire fish, 1 lawn mower blenny, 1 star. My sand has red algea growing on it, and it...
  6. nicetanknofish

    red algea on sand

    I have 2 power heads, don't know what size (hubby knows) but I know they are bigger than we need and also the power head coming up from the filter that mainly moves the water on the top, the other 2 are more in the center and pointing toward each other.
  7. nicetanknofish

    red algea on sand

    I have red algea growing on my sand bed, the red/purple algea seems to be spreading very quickly on my rocks in the last couple of weeks. 75g tank, 2 1/2 months old, 60lbs lr, 40 lbs ls, 2 fire fish, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint, 10 nasarius snails, 10 hermit crabs, 1...
  8. nicetanknofish

    what are these?

    what are they good for?
  9. nicetanknofish

    what are these?

    I just noticed these tiny (too small to get a pic of) things that look like bugs; they are white to clear in color and crawling around on the sand and a few rocks. I did get some new cured rock last weekend, I don't know if they came with the rock or they have been in there all along and we just...
  10. nicetanknofish

    Anyone from Michigan

    Sent you an email back, thanks!!
  11. nicetanknofish

    Anyone from Michigan

    Thanks I will go try it out.
  12. nicetanknofish

    Anyone from Michigan

    i sent her an email, i look forward to hearing from her!!
  13. nicetanknofish

    Anyone from Michigan

    I am about 30 minutes from Ann Arbor, Lansing, Battle Creek, I live just outside of Jackson. Can you give me names?
  14. nicetanknofish

    Anyone from Michigan

    I am looking to buy more lr (50 lbs or so), the lfs near me has good lr, but it is $12.00/lb, so I already have over $500.00 in lr and only have about 50lbs. They are also always trying to sell you anything just to make a buck. In fact, they sold this couple a pair of seahorses, their tank was...
  15. nicetanknofish

    1.5" mantis found in lr

    if they are mantis shrimp you need to get them out, in just a matter of a couple of hours this one killed a peppermint. we ended up taking the rock out and putting it in freshwater, he popped right out. good luck
  16. nicetanknofish

    high alk, need advise

  17. nicetanknofish

    1.5" mantis found in lr

    he has a new home, someone who will really appreciate him, i can't wait to see how big it gets!!!! better his tank than mine......
  18. nicetanknofish

    high alk, need advise

    i wanted to ask if my alk is too high and how do i raise the Ca, do i need to raise to dose of BIonic? only use the #2? thanks
  19. nicetanknofish

    high alk, need advise

    just checked my levels, as i am currently trying to raise my calcium level from 300, have been using BIonic since last Thursday, also using marine buffer once a week and reef builder once weekly. my alk keeps going up right now it is 5.0, it was 4.5 on sunday. here are all of my levels. sg 1.025...
  20. nicetanknofish

    1.5" mantis found in lr

    It is a brown color about an inch and a half long, looks just like a mantis shrimp. It is almost the size around as a pencil, mean too, he kept smacking at the turkey baster my hubby was trying to lure him out with. He is now in a qt tank until we can find him a home. Lfs does not want him.