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  1. extremepcs

    Complete 125g setup for sale - Michigan

    125g glass tank, corner flow (2 overflows) Custom built oak stand Coralife 150w MH light (3 bulbs, actinics, + moonlights) Aquacontroller III Pro w/ 8 outlet strip, temp, Ph, ORP probes ATO Auto Top Off unit 55g glass sump (needs a partition reattached) 1400 GPH mag drive pump Coralife 220 Super...
  2. extremepcs

    ORP and algea?

    Thanks for the great info! I don't have anything dead in the tank that I know of. Everything is accounted for. My hermits have killed a few snails... I do leave the empty shells in there for the hermits. As for feeding, I use 1/2 a cube of Emerald Entree once a day. The fish seem to eat all...
  3. extremepcs

    ORP and algea?

    I forgot to mention that I am using a skimmer (Coralife Super 220g) and it is working well. I have a 55g sump, 175lbs. LR, 40lbs. LS. 1200 GPH pump. I have a lot of cheato in the sump. Fish - 1 coral beauty, 1 naso tang, 1 mimic tang, 1 scopas tang, 2 small perc clowns. Inverts - 25 astrea...
  4. extremepcs

    ORP and algea?

    Hi all, I installed an AquaController 3 on my 4 month old 125g reef tank 2 weeks ago. I'm using it to monitor Ph, temp, and ORP. It also controls all of my lighting. My ORP readings are averaging 215. Is that too low? Could it be the/a cause of algea? I've been having moderate green algea...
  5. extremepcs

    New Coralife Pro HQI - Questions

    Wow. How many light timers do you have? Or are you using something like an AquaController? Thanks for the info.
  6. extremepcs

    What to feed my Bubble Tip Anemone?

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx The anemone will love shrimp, but also feed it other seafood and rotate it's diet for maximum health. Anything fresh or frozen at your grocery store will do. Just make sure it is a marine species, has no preservative, and isn't precooked at all. Sorry for...
  7. extremepcs

    New Coralife Pro HQI - Questions

    Hi all, I picked up a new 72" Coralife Pro HQI unit today (3 x 150w MH, 4 x 96w blue actinic, 4 x 1w blue LED's). I'm wondering about the timing of the 3 different type lights. Should the actinic's run along with the MH lamps, or should they come on when the MH's go off? So, for example, do I...
  8. extremepcs

    Coralife Aqualight Pro or Outer Orbit?

    Thanks all. And yeah, the 150w vs 250w is close to the same price. I was just wondering if 250 is overkill, and if it would heat up the water too much. I don't have a top on the tank.
  9. extremepcs

    Bubble Tip Anemone dead?!?

    Originally Posted by Gmidd On a side note I really like your LR! You don't see many big pieces like that. Thanks. Yeah, I have mostly "boulders" in there. That's all the LFS shop had.
  10. extremepcs

    Bubble Tip Anemone dead?!?

    Originally Posted by ophiura Anemones do this regularly. They are a very large % water, and every once in awhile, they will basically shrink down to nothing, and then fill back up. It is perfectly normal. Thanks. I was worried because it was a green/black color. It's usually sorta pink...
  11. extremepcs

    Coralife Aqualight Pro or Outer Orbit?

    Hi all, I'm thinking about upgrading my lighting from PC to MH. I'm trying to decide between a Coralife Aqualight Pro and an Outer Orbit HQI. I have a 125g tank, so I need the 72" fixture. Both units have 3 MH bulbs and 4 96w dual actinic PC's. The Coralife unit comes with 250w MH, the Outer...
  12. extremepcs

    Typhoon III or Dual Home/Reef

    I just purchased a Typhoon III 2 months ago. It has been working great so far. My TDS at the tap is about 180. 0 coming out of the unit.
  13. extremepcs

    Bubble Tip Anemone dead?!?

    SG 1.025 Temp 81.2 Am. 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 8 Lighting - 96w 10k PC. I know you're supposed to use MH for anemones, but why would it have looked perfectly healthy 6 hours ago, and for over a month up until now? This is what it looked like 2 days ago (when I took the picture. It also looked...
  14. extremepcs

    Bubble Tip Anemone dead?!?

    Hi all, My BTA looked perfectly fine this morning. 6 hours later, it looks like the picture! Is it dying, or dead? Nothing in the tank has changed since this morning. I've had the BTA for over a month now and it has NEVER looked like this.
  15. extremepcs

    Cleaner Clam shipping?

    Hi all, I received 2 cleaner clams from SWF today, and the bag had NO water in it. It was sealed and did not have any air leaks. Is that how they normally ship? Thanks!
  16. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    LOL... Yeah, too many "youngin's" here don't seem to recognize the beloved "Jaws" character from the James Bond movies in the 70's. Yeah, my cheato floats. I don't have teeth on my baffle, but I did add some egg crate on top of it to keep it from floating over to the next chamber. So far, so...
  17. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    My LFS said I could add macro at the same time as the live rock. They could have just been making a sale though. Either way, it is still doing fine and growing. I used caulpera in the refugium chamber to start, and recently added some cheato. Macroalgea is about the only thing that's CHEAP...
  18. extremepcs


    No argument on the nano pieces. That's why I went to my LFS when I was setting up my nano. I'm amazed that SWF doesn't offer a "nano package" like several other online vendors. Hint, nudge, hello?
  19. extremepcs


    I can almost guarantee that you won't find it cheaper than on here at a LFS. All of them around me charge an average of $8 a pound! The only advantage of going to a local place is being able to pick the exact pieces that you want.
  20. extremepcs

    how dumb am i

    Wow! Where's the love for the smoking members???