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  1. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    i got my first yuma on sunday! heres a pic. with flash without flash(closer to true color) what do you think? would you call it pink or purple?
  2. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    yeah ive been mostly on i stop by here just to check your beautiful ricordeas.
  3. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    let's see a new fts!
  4. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 8 gallon BioCube

    amazing coraline coverage!
  5. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    hey dimartini, the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist discourages beginners to have tanks under 40 gal. i have had F/W experiences so i have aquired some skill, but do you think a 24g nano is to hard for a beginner s/w tank?
  6. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    :( i loved that brain :(
  7. emilytompkins

    new tank

    awww i love the sunken ship!
  8. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    yay!!!! full tank shot???? sry but it's been so long!
  9. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    more pics!!! ***) ***) ***)
  10. emilytompkins

    reef clubs in ny?

    go to its great and you can go to frag swaps and all my username's etompkins so referr to me!! hope to see you on the forums!
  11. emilytompkins

    First Tank Pic

    beautiful rockwork!
  12. emilytompkins

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    well youre toadstool looks great! could be a great substitution!
  13. emilytompkins

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    is that a carpet anemone behind the clown or is it a leather coral? please tell! i really wanted a carpet for my 24g but they are too big.
  14. emilytompkins

    Cannon XT Photos

    i have the xti no macro though- thats what you get for 10.1 megapixels! got one of those lens kits on e b a y. Cant wait to get a reef! what size is your tank?
  15. emilytompkins

    As usual I am confused...

    same questions- so i dont have to buy a heater (even though i have to get the hood)?
  16. emilytompkins

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    Originally Posted by AZReefGirl Oh, I see you're familiar with that species. Most people mistake them for cardboard damsels, which do have similar characteristics... When I got the tank I just couldn't wait to have something in it, and my creative side got the best of me! oh i should have...
  17. emilytompkins

    Injured Carpet Question

    a little off topic, but i didnt want to make a whole new thread, but are there any carpet anemones that are suitable for a 24g nano?
  18. emilytompkins

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    could u snap one of the side? i want to see if your lr is touching the back or how far away from the back it is. thanks!
  19. emilytompkins

    How Many fish for a 65

    for a beginner, i believe its 1 inch of fish (encorporate the adult size if youre getting juvs) per 4 gallons of water and as you move on you go to 1 inch per 2 gallons. seems like alot, but lr and coral can take up lots of space. im not an expert but that's what ive been told.
  20. emilytompkins

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    hah! i edited on you !