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  1. motlot77

    how do you promote coraline growth?

    nix the purple up. don't dose anything you can't test for. patience is the key here and good params.
  2. motlot77

    AquaC Remora with maxijet 1200....

    are you getting micro bubbles at all? mine spewed them, even after 2 months of being in operation. you can purchase the additional plastic pre skimmer piece that works really well. just kinda stupid they make you pay extra for something it should come with.
  3. motlot77

    Anyone from Northern California

    I hope it's ok to post this info here but there are some local clubs in NorCal that do frag exchanges, etc... I'd post the links but I'm not sure if it's ok. Search for: "Bay Area Reefers" "Chico Reef Club" "Marine Aquarists Roundtable of Sacramento"
  4. motlot77

    How often should I dip the corals?

    Thanks! I'll look it up.
  5. motlot77

    How often should I dip the corals?

    I've researched the coral diseases but I can't be sure exactly. The torch is slowly wasting away. It used to have 9 full heads but 7 are now skeletons. The remaining 2 are colorless and retracted. Suspected brown jelly disease but can't be sure. The hammerhead was dipped as a preventative...
  6. motlot77

    How often should I dip the corals?

    I can find post after post about coral dips but I can't find how often it should be done. I'm using Kent's Tech D for a torch, a hammerhead, and a xenia. They've been thru alot and are basically just melting away. How often should I dip? How do I know when to stop? Also, should you dip...
  7. motlot77

    Need help with entire tank. I think its crashing. Please, please help!

    Just finished the water change and turned skimmer back on. There's a little foaming at the top (from the melafix and pimafix) but its not overflowing so I imagine that's ok. Should I be testing for anything over the next few days? Some of the torch coral heads are turning into just skeletons. =o(
  8. motlot77

    Need help with entire tank. I think its crashing. Please, please help!

    I should have mentioned that once the clown passed away, we stopped using melafix and pimafix cause we did feel they were affecting the corals.
  9. motlot77

    Need help with entire tank. I think its crashing. Please, please help!

    Had a O. Clown that had lymph and then began looking poor in general. Used Melafix and Pimafix for 4 days w/ skimmer off. Kept good water flow to ensure there was plenty of oxygen but critters acted drunk (for lack of a better description) and the corals pulled in. The clown died on Tuesday. =o(...
  10. motlot77

    new 20 gal pics per request

    Beautiful tank! What critters do you have in there?
  11. motlot77

    what will eat bristle worms???

    they'll eat all the junk your cuc won't get.
  12. motlot77

    Please help confirm lymph on our clown. (Pic included)

    Looking even closer with the magnifying glass, the little guy has blood spots/lines inside the sides of his mouth up towards his nose. Of his three feedings today, he's eaten maybe one pellet and one small piece of shrimp total -- not much at all.
  13. motlot77

    Please help confirm lymph on our clown. (Pic included)

    Our tank can't support an anemone but I was thinking of getting a nice plastic one to give him a spot to rest. Is this a good idea?
  14. motlot77

    Please help confirm lymph on our clown. (Pic included)

    We've had him for about two weeks with the first sign of lymph appearing just a day or two after bringing him home from the lfs. He was stressed by a royal gramma that was charging at him (and everything else in the tank) so we returned the gramma to the lfs yesterday. Now, he should be...
  15. motlot77

    Please help confirm lymph on our clown. (Pic included)

    I believed this was lymphocystis on our Ocellaris Clown but I want to be absolutely sure before it gets worse. We've had him for about 2 weeks and the first spot on his top fin started a day or two after bringing him home from the LFS. All the white spots you see have texture, meaning that...
  16. motlot77

    Questions about clown w/ lymph & aggressive gramma

    Water paramaters: ammonia - 0 ph - 8.2 nitrate - 5 nitrite - 0 80 degrees 1.025 The tank critters: 1 Ocellaris Clown 1 Royal Gramma (purchased the same day as the clown and larger than the clown) 2 cleaner shrimp 1 peppermint shrimp 4 nassarius snails 4 blue leg hermits 4 astreas snails 5...
  17. motlot77

    other things clowns will host in?

    great, thanks for the info!
  18. motlot77

    other things clowns will host in?

    hey all, i'm curious as to what other people have had their clown fish host in - hammer coral, frogspawn, etc.? my tank hasn't been set up for too long and i don't have halides, so i will not be getting an anemone any time soon. i've read where some people have had luck w/their clowns in...
  19. motlot77

    clown w/lymphocystis

    so doing water changes won't stress the fish out? also, should i avoid from adding say a mushroom, or frogspawn, stuff like that for a while? ...great info, thanks!