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  1. zoo28

    10k vs 14k vs 20k pics

    Originally Posted by travis99 the bigger the number the more blue it will be. More white
  2. zoo28

    Best Salt

    In Bulgaria there is only Sera and Aqua medic,I use Aqua medic.
  3. zoo28

    pics of my 72

    Very nice! I love the zebrasoma
  4. zoo28

    pics of my anem.

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Macrodactyla doreensis Thanks .I like it very much and I got interested in buying one for my tank from Nederlands .
  5. zoo28

    Poll: which one??

    Pink Skunk Clownfish
  6. zoo28

    pics of my anem.

    Very beautiful anemone! What is her latin name?
  7. zoo28

    14 Gallon BioCube New Setup w/pics

    Amazing tank!
  8. zoo28

    My new nano tank

  9. zoo28

    My new nano tank

    I bought one christmas tree coral. There are some pictures in the transportation bag. Sorry for the quality. And there is the picture of the fire fish goby. Sorry for the quality. One question - Why the big sinularia looks that.My friend say that the sinularia growing up .
  10. zoo28

    My new nano tank

    Originally Posted by Griffen8280 Does the skimmer help to remove your nitrates in the tank? I have a ten gallon as well with 1 saddleback clown (used to be 2 but the female died in my first big thunderstorm like 2 days after bringing them home!) 1 Yellow Angel 1 leather coral 1 Sebae Anemone...
  11. zoo28

    My new nano tank

    I bought one fire fish goby, one chromis viridis (there were two but one died during transportation), and one turbo snail. I will give you pictures. Yesterday the nitrates were 15ppm, but I cleaned the filter and there are 5ppm now .
  12. zoo28

    Must Sell!! I need to sell some coral in INDY

    I'm interested in anemone. What is the price? And can you send it to bulgaria? And can you show pictures of the xenia.
  13. zoo28

    Red shrooms and some other stuff FS and FT

    Can you send the xenia to bulgaria? Тhe risk is mine
  14. zoo28

    My new nano tank

    Any comments
  15. zoo28

    what is this?

  16. zoo28

    My new nano tank

    The water: nitrates - 0 nitrites-0 amoniia-0 copper-0 iron -0 calcium-480 magnesium-1430 phosphates-0 pH-8,5
  17. zoo28

    My new nano tank

  18. zoo28

    My new nano tank

    This is my new 10G - 30 liters nano tank. 1.2 ocellaris clowns 2.2 Sinularia sp. 3.2 Discusoma 4.Blue sponge 5.Xenia sp. 6.3 feather duster worms Skimmer - weipro Filter - hanging - sun sun Lightning - 36W
  19. zoo28

    Xenia in West Palm Beach

    Is there any option to recive it to bulgaria for my new tank 800 liters 266 galons.
  20. zoo28

    Questions from Bulgaria

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Greetings from an American, its a small world. Your English is not bed at all. They do clearly state in the ' contact ' link at top left '' only ships within the continental U.S. '' I cant say if there are exceptions so as lion_crazz sugested...