Search results

  1. chainsaw5vent

    Switchover from CC to sand?

    see if you can find "yardright playsand" also known as 'southdown'. it is aragonite sand and you may be able to find it at your local home depot for about $5/44 lb bag/
  2. chainsaw5vent

    Stressing out... (beware, this is a rant)

    kablamo, you could save some money on your setup by purchasing some of the hardware used h* i was able to purchase an aqua-240 and korallin 3001 used for 600 bux (retail $1000+) for the long term dream of my exlarge inwall aquarium. every once in a while when the mrs. is having a meltdown...
  3. chainsaw5vent

    Anyone here from the DC area?

    born in dc. raised in socal. lived at march arb for 4 years as a civilian.
  4. chainsaw5vent

    Democrat or Republican?

    hey! does anybody really care what party, color, creed, you are in this country when everything is hitting the fan and getting spread out in a senseless fashion?? i think not. just boil it down to "good people, bad people". "are you here to help, or are you part of the problem..??"...
  5. chainsaw5vent

    Manliest way to die.

    see Jesus Christ as the manly way to die. for sins that He did not commit. for you, for me. :yes:
  6. chainsaw5vent

    Where to purchase a large tank online?

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 Weight is an issue, but you teach the little ones from early on to leave certain things alone.... Some things are just off limits and not allowed... I have 2 little ones as well!!!!! weeellll. i'd like to break out a can of whoop___ every time they break something...
  7. chainsaw5vent

    UV Sterilizer on a reef tank

    Originally Posted by Schubert Any submersible UV sterilizer for a 40 gallon? Do they exist? :notsure: submersible u/v does not exist because of the risk of the direct u/v light exposure destroying your eyesight. everything that i've seen in person or in catalogues show inline setups.
  8. chainsaw5vent

    Used Chillers

    try recyclerdotcom. you can find some great equip for great prices. :yes: one person who often has stuff for sale is "norine32". you can go socal wide or area code specific. :D i was able to find korallin 3001 and aqua-c 240 w/mag-12 for a total of $600, compared to the best online...
  9. chainsaw5vent


    .... Its a 1/2 horse on a 55 gal. I went big so I could use it in the future on a bigger tank. : :eek: woww. alot of cooling power in the little tank. but you did right. preparing for the future upgrade :thinking: smart. :happy: :
  10. chainsaw5vent

    Where to purchase a large tank online?

    Originally Posted by Yeffre Kix I just got my 300 gal glass aquarium from glass cages. Not sure if I made the right decission with glass. I hate the way acrylic gets scratched so easy, but this tank weighs a ton! It took 6 movers to set it up in my home cost about $600 for the delivery. Now...
  11. chainsaw5vent

    Where to purchase a large tank online?

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Might want to look into haveing one built localy or shipping charges can be steep. Just do a search of acrylic aquarium manufactors and should come up with plenty. 500 i concur
  12. chainsaw5vent

    Geothermal Cooling?

    :notsure: any body out there have their sumps/extra water buried in the ground in order to use the ground's natural cooling ability to help cool the tank?? i am looking for some information in this area? :thinking:
  13. chainsaw5vent

    computer screen cleaner!

    Originally Posted by maeistero i wouldn't recommend goof off unless you go back with another product after. i can't remember if goof is an acid or base, but it needs to be neutralized after the cleaning process on delicate surfaces. check what it is and use a diluted bleach or citrus on your...
  14. chainsaw5vent

    Can I add water to my tank?

    Originally Posted by puffer32 I have been cycling for 2 weeks and I need to top toff my tank, will it mess up my cycle if i do it? no. unless if you have a lot of evap.
  15. chainsaw5vent

    Sand types

  16. chainsaw5vent

    computer screen cleaner!

    i used "goof off" to remove magic marker from my computer screen after the 2 yo wrote on it. now if only it would fix my car's rear windows after they have been broken by the 4 yo. :scared:
  17. chainsaw5vent

    Zooanthids that will make you go WOW...

    much better pix. zo's are cool and simple. my lfs's only carry the dull brown ones.
  18. chainsaw5vent

    Tank Overflow - higher than pump rate

    just make sure that your "outage" (low level of tank) is less than what your sump can hold. i.e. if your low level is minus 20 gallons, and your sump's normal level is 15 gallons, you would need a total sump capacity of 40 gallons minimum (35 gal + 5 gal error factor) to also be prepared...
  19. chainsaw5vent

    Picked up a new client...

    :jumping: :cheer: :cheer: what a great opportunity to finance your own tank by getting corporates to pay you to do simple checkups on theirs.SWEEEETT!!! I wish i had that kind of time and skills. then the boss would not complain that i'm trying to upgrade my tank/equipment.