Search results

  1. jwhitehorn

    Mountain Climbing Hermits

    Ok, So as some of you heard I had a complete wipe-out yesterday. Now the few "survivors" mostly about 15 hermits of the original 100 hermit population refuse to touch the sand. All my crabs are cuddled together on the highest rock they can find. Does this tell me anything about what caused my...
  2. jwhitehorn

    Deadly LionfisH!?!??!

    I tried Algone before using the UV sterilizer. The Algone packet is still in my cannister filter. I have been feeding a lot but I check my nitrate levels daily when I do and they were still in a safe range. 20ppm approx.
  3. jwhitehorn

    Deadly LionfisH!?!??!

    Ok.... Well I tested the water and it checked out just fine. I'm glad to know about the slime coat thing I never knew that and it makes me feel comfortable about getting another lion. There is no current, I added the UV sterilizer to eliminate an algae bloom I got 3 weeks ago which never truly...
  4. jwhitehorn

    Deadly LionfisH!?!??!

    NOTE: This post is in the beginning hobbyist board but somebody mentioned I double it up here as the lionfish experts may be here. The question is Did my Lionfish wipe out my tank :(? Ok so my lionfish moved really suddenly this morning and when he did it looked like "milk" came off all his...
  5. jwhitehorn

    UV Sterilizer Vs. R/O Water

    If you have a UV Sterilizer do you still need to go with R/O water or can you just fill up with tap/w salt? It was my impression that the UV Sterilizer makes all the water "Pure" and purges the foreign chemicals and I also heard the reason for R/O is to be working with Pure water? Thoughts...
  6. jwhitehorn

    Lionfish Spray?

    So a lionfish has the ability to wipe out a tank?
  7. jwhitehorn

    Lionfish Spray?

    They can expel their venom :(?
  8. jwhitehorn

    Lionfish Spray?

    Ok so my lionfish moved really suddenly this morning and when he did it looked like "milk" came off all his fins (and he is a big lion fish). Anyways the milky fluid floated around for a bit and when I came home 3 hours later EVERYTHING was dead including the lion. Everything includes: 100...
  9. jwhitehorn

    Feeding Anenomes

    So would I place a whole brine shrimp cube every couple of days? Or just a couple shrims? He sits pretty low in my tank so i won't be able to necessarily hand feed him but I'm sure I can get close.
  10. jwhitehorn

    Feeding Anenomes

    I recently got a Sea anenenenenenenome (however you spell that) and I was curious what special kind of feeding should I do in addition to my current brine/mysis/seaweed rotation I have been on for my fish/inverts. He has been in there for about 2 weeks and still seems to be doing fine but I'm...
  11. jwhitehorn

    eel questions

    I was curious how much truth is there to eels escaping? Is it crazy to get an eel w/o a canopy?
  12. jwhitehorn

    Best water for the buck

    What is this "membrane" you are talking about?
  13. jwhitehorn

    Deadly Weekend

    I hear only 8 fish mentioned and he said he had a 90 gallon tank? How is this over-crowding? I thought it was 1" per gallon for freshwater fish and 2" per gallon for Saltwater. So he SHOULD be ok with 40" of fish right? It doesn't look like all his fish at 5" fish or anywhere close. The...
  14. jwhitehorn

    best way to get rid of phosphates?

    How do you test or notice phosphates?
  15. jwhitehorn

    Schooling Fish

    What is the advantages to a "schooling" fish? Is it just that they stick around together? I have 2 scooters, 2 domino damsels, 2 chromis, 2 blue damsels, and 2 clowns, 2 engineering gobies and a Foxface/Sailfin Tang. I have noticed all of them seem to stick with each other. If you get more...
  16. jwhitehorn

    Drastic Clarity Change in 16 hours

    Update... 4 days later and I still don't have hte clarity I use to have. On Day 2 I went out and bought enough salt for a 55 Gallon water change (in my 110 gallon tank) that helped a LOT but it still doesn't seem to be getting "better" on its own. How long should I expect this to last and...
  17. jwhitehorn

    Cannister Filter Order

    I was just about to take the rubble out of my cannister? Now I"m confused? It will or won't help?
  18. jwhitehorn

    Drastic Clarity Change in 16 hours

    So what should I do? Let it settle? The rock isn't going to "re-cycle" right? I just knocked bacteria in the water which now needs to find a new home? Thanks,
  19. jwhitehorn

    Drastic Clarity Change in 16 hours

    Sup Guys, Last night I did a 20% water change (max), installed a new Eheim Pro III cannister filter in place of my two HOTT's and I moved my live rock from one side of the tank to the other. I did this all at 11:00 last night and now ab out 12-16 hours later my tank is getting REALLY cloudy. I...
  20. jwhitehorn

    HELP HELP Carbon Pellets

    Sup Guys, I was installing my canister filter and the page of carbon pellets was sitting on my tank. Well the media bag had a hole in it and about 40 carbon pellets or so fell into my 110 gallon tank. They are all in 1 corner. The tank is VERY DEEP and I don't have way of reaching all the way...