Search results

  1. riccobully

    Most agressive for 180

    I Have heard the Undulate Tiggers are pretty mean, a friend had one and he said it ate every thing in the tank including his lion.. I thought about getting on for my aggressive tank but I am afraid it will eat every thing..I have also heard the angler fish and stone fish are cool to watch
  2. riccobully

    Bad red hair algae problem

    Hey guys I just figured I would let you in on something that I did or my lfs told me to do...Before you go smashing my lfs just listen...I have been having a problem with what I thought was green alge and red hair alge, for about 2 months now I was ready to take the tank down..I have a 190 with...
  3. riccobully

    Help raising calcium

    whats the best salt now I am using instant ocean..
  4. riccobully

    Help raising calcium

    hey guy I need help raising the calcium in my tank so I can start with some corals...right now the calcium is around 350ish and have been tring for a few days with kent liquid calcium and no luck..still the same..any one have any suggestions on anything to raise it kinda quick fag...
  5. riccobully

    Cured Live Rock For Sale Nashville..

    I have Cured Live rock that I am selling..I have 50lbs and need it all gone..I has been sitting in a catainer for about 6 months with a power head running..Most of the rock has purple alge on it and If it doesn't then it will only take about two weeks to start getting covered..I have some in my...
  6. riccobully

    T5 Light For Sale, Nashville Area

    Light is sold!! Sorry..
  7. riccobully

    T5 Light For Sale, Nashville Area

    No one needs a small light??? I am open to offers if any one is interested..
  8. riccobully

    Will it cycle or not ???

    Well everything is about the same the ammonia is coming down a little not much though. The rock is in the tank and everything is already growing on the rock..
  9. riccobully

    T5 Light For Sale, Nashville Area

    I don't know If it is high I know what I paid are you sure that it is the same one..If you think it is high then what is it worth if you are interested make an offer!! The worst I could say is no right....There was a guy on here selling the same one for about 10 dollars more I think..
  10. riccobully

    Is this an GOOD light...JEBO Odyessea?????

    hey i am new to this so I really cant tell you the truth but I talked to a guy this weekend about his jebo and he said that he bought it from ---- cheap, said it worked for 4 days and quit called the guy and he just said sorry about your luck ...He said he replaced the ballance in it and it has...
  11. riccobully

    T5 Light For Sale, Nashville Area

    I have a 1 month old 48" T5 corallife light that has been on my tank for about a month..I am upgrading for corals and need to sell this..It has 1 10,000k bulb and 1 420 Antinic Light bulb..I still have the receipt that I paid 79.00 plus tax.. Will sell for 50.00 Buyer will pay shipping cost and...
  12. riccobully

    Live Rock Transport???

    I didn't buy the rock for a fish store I bought it from a guy that was breaking his tank down...I has been in his tank running for about a year..He just had so much going on he could not take care of the fish the way he wanted.. I have aready put the rock in the tank and every thing looks great...
  13. riccobully

    Will it cycle or not ???

    I have had my 55 going for about a month and really haven't seen a cycle yet I didn't have LR just LS and some damsels,everything is still doing great..yesterday I went and picked up 75 LBS of LR that has been in a tank for over a year and has some really nice alge on it all purple and a little...
  14. riccobully

    Live Rock Transport???

    that is what I was thinking just wanted to make sure..Before I wasted 300 dollars LOL
  15. riccobully

    Live Rock Transport???

    Ok I know this is a sudden question but someone out there can answer this one I hope..I am going tommorrow morning to pick up some live rock 100 lbs from two diferent places 1st stop is only 10 mins. away and other is about 30 mins away..What do I need to do to get this rock home with out damage...
  16. riccobully

    ky trade sell

    Hey wilson2 I use to live in Greenup and Flatwoods but have moved to Nashville,TN I am just getting started so I am in need of everything like you..If you need anything or trade let me know..I am always up that way
  17. riccobully

    FS- Misc Equip/Lighting/Livestock/LR in NC

    Can you send some pics of the light to Thanks