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  1. saltwaternoob

    Nitrate question

    I purchased 3 extra peppermint shrimp about 3 months ago. Around 2 months ago I noticed my nitrates were up to 25. At least 2 of my shrimp have babies every 2 weeks (this started when I purchased the new ones). Would the cycle of death from the hundreds of baby shrimp keep my nitrates so high...
  2. saltwaternoob


    do you feed your fish flakes? flakes raise phosphate levels
  3. saltwaternoob

    Royal Gramma question

    mine comes out when i feed. sometimes he will eat pellets out of my hand when i spot feed my brittle. he always hides in the LR cuz of the bully tomato that i have
  4. saltwaternoob

    Crab molting question

    my hermit crabs molt all of the time. they leave behind what looks like legs and a small belly piece. that's normal. it could be that your crab is just touring the tank, dont worry about it. i dont see 1/2 of my 15 crabs all the time.
  5. saltwaternoob

    My blenny might be crazy

    My bi-color blenny eats everything. Everytime I go to feed he pokes his head out of his rocks and allows me to pipet feed him shrimp, flakes, pellets and small pieces of silverside from the BTA's food.
  6. saltwaternoob


    Update: Yay!!! Brittle seems to have pulled through whatever was ailing him. Snails have not died since last post. Yay for miracles
  7. saltwaternoob

    New England Aquarium (Boston)

    Originally Posted by cpbirds407 Ok. i think I've been here. Let me ask, is there a 3-d movie place near this aquarium? I think it's like very close or right next to it??/ If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks~! omni mugar theatre i think ti is called. a stones throw from the aquraium...
  8. saltwaternoob

    Foxface Rabbitfish Poll

    Originally Posted by Jmick Great pic BSchaible, you got my vote! i concur
  9. saltwaternoob

    Xenia's driving me crazy!!!!

    i have had 3 xenia that are no bigger then 1/2" for over 6 monts now with no growth spurts. i guess i am lucky. gl with yours.
  10. saltwaternoob


    Originally Posted by NigerBang Just curious...what is it that you think the garlic is going to do? it says it is good for infection, the brittle has 2 white spots on him that are new. they look like wounds. I have no way of knowing if he has an infection which the garlic is good for, it also...
  11. saltwaternoob


    Update: I haven't lost any snails since my last post. The brittle is still the same, very lethargic with the same 2 white spots on his disk. Everything else is doing fine. I stopped adding all additives sinc e this happened besides garlic. I went to a different lfs and had my water tested. All...
  12. saltwaternoob


    How long have you had these animals Everything i have is over 6 months old. You have a major water quality problem, IMO, that this star and the snails are having issues with. Quite possibly it is a specific gravity issue but you need to review, and have EVERYTHING, double checked Not only did...
  13. saltwaternoob


    Update: lost 1 more turbo snail................. brittle is now on a rock in a normal position but seems like he doesnt have much strenght. there is a piece of silverside nect to him that he latches on to but won;t drag to his mouth.
  14. saltwaternoob


    update: no change to the brittle. i have been feeding him brine shrimp and pellets soaked in garlic. He is eating and moving his tiny feet but still upside down. We lost another snail today. I hope the carbon works and fast.
  15. saltwaternoob

    Sun coral

    finally got it to work
  16. saltwaternoob


    Update: Brittle is still alive with the same symptoms. I had the lfs test my water and it is perfect. Salinity was slightly high (just took care of that). I purchased some garlic drops and a carbon filter in hopes that the garlic will start to cure and the carbon will siphon out any toxins.
  17. saltwaternoob


    the lfs oepns in 2 hours. I will see if they have a refractometer. Here is a pic of my lil guy. I hope he pulls thru he is upside down with his mouth facing up again. his arms are very stiff kind of feels like aluminum foil when i try to move them
  18. saltwaternoob


    There has been a constant reading for as long as i can remember. I just bugged him again and noticed 2 things. 1) He has a white spot on his disk that is about 1/8' of an inch long that is new, no idea what it is. 2) He has buried 1/2 of his disk in the sand and a snail was on his legs crossing...
  19. saltwaternoob


    which kills inverts? high or low salinity?
  20. saltwaternoob


    I will do that in the am. I am so sad atm. I don't think my brittle is going to make it. I feel liek crying.