Search results

  1. tracymace1229

    Mussels and parasites

    Thanks Beth! They come chilled...but not frozen at the seafood section. They are very much alive, until the Hermit crabs start to work on 'em...then after that they become fair game for all the tank inhabitants. Another issue. In my ick hospital tanks, I laid out a covering of the blue/white...
  2. tracymace1229

    Seahorse feeding

    I have lots of rockwork/dead corals in my seahorse tank. With that in mind I was affraid that broadcast feeding would result in lots of hidden waste! That I did not want. So I introduced 5 peppermint shrimp, a few snails and a handful of hermits. It seemed to work. Within 5 minutes of each...
  3. tracymace1229

    Mussels and parasites

    Hey all, Im half way thru a treatment for Ick. So far so good. No losses except for some small green chromis...and no sign of the ick after the initial outbreak. Tank is going fallow. Hospital tanks are going thru Hypo. I got fish/invertibrates from 4 different LFS, 2 different online stores...
  4. tracymace1229

    They had their first babies!

    Ssorry cannot get a good picture...they are too small! they are only 1 and a half times the size of the BBs that hatched out again last night! This morning I counted no less than 60+. There seems to be even more this afternoon. The temp is on the higher end, 77.6. they are swimming all over...
  5. tracymace1229

    They had their first babies!

    Hi all, We are both thrilled and saddened. We bought 4 horses back in October. The LFS did not know what type they were. 2 were Redi we think, and the other 2 I think were Kudo?? The latter 2 survived 6 weeks and then suddenly perished within 36 hours of each other. The system is several...
  6. tracymace1229

    Clownfish Concern

    I had a Pearly Gobyfish for about 6 weeks in the system {several tanks}. He was the boss in his tank. everything was fine and then he evacuated his home {PVC pipe}, acted like a newly stressed out fish. Looking for a way out of the tank and was declared missing 48 hours later. This all...
  7. tracymace1229

    Clownfish Concern

    hi, 'Crusty' the Clownfish has been our most voraciaous eater for the last 2 1/2 years. He has watched his bubbletip anenome grow from a 3" dia to almost 9" across. Over the last few months he has dropped down the pecking order as a Sailfin Tang has vied for the number 1 or 2 spot with The 2...
  8. tracymace1229

    phosphate what a pain in the @#%!

    sorry folks for the frustration! The incoming water source is about .05ppm Phospate on the test...Ive been told and read to keep it under .03 or even zero. So I put in an RO/DI unit, which has been in place since June, and at best the levels were down to .025. Some success, but the Hair/Beard...
  9. tracymace1229

    Do seahorses dance?

    Hi, We got 4 horses almost a month ago. The LFS did not know what they were....they were listed as 'medi seahorses' ???? anyways 2 are larger and 2 are smaller. I think they are 2 reidi and 2 erectus or all 4 are reidi and the 2 smaller ones just are juvies. anyhow....the 1 larger definately...
  10. tracymace1229

    lower water temperature

    I will have the same problem in about 2 weeks when the summer heat hits. My problem...a chiller will not work. The aquarium room is a room 6 feet by 13 feet... about 80 square feet. If I had a chiller it would just make the room hot and continue the cycle. My solution is to purchase a...
  11. tracymace1229

    What Is Your Sg

    might want to check your hydrometer to confirm that reading. Red Sea fish would do nicely with that....I think 1.028 is natural for them. Take a sample to the LFS and see if they test it the same. My Hydrometer just went bad and was reading 1.030, but really it was 1.025 ....I accidentally...
  12. tracymace1229

    Moving a Tank

    Check your local Fish Store for styro shipping boxes. Especially the day after they get the fish in...their dumpsters will be full of them. Then you can use some plastic bags as a liner. It is best to have the tank already set up IMO. Is it possible to move the tank, sand and LR the day before...
  13. tracymace1229

    calcium and alkalinity

    Bob Fenner has used the bowl of marbles analogy. You can only have so many 'marbles' of each type {of particulate} in the bowl {water}. So if you add too much calcium, then the Alk may cause a Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Event {magnesium also plays a roll there too} From what I...
  14. tracymace1229

    Distilled White Vinegar

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to pass this along: I have a cheapy plastic box hydrometer. It has worked fine for almost 2 years. Almost monthly I will clean it with some distilled white vinegar for the recommended 20 min. Well a bit back I left the vinegar in for over 24 hours as I had forgot about...
  15. tracymace1229

    our trip to the Florida Aquarium

    The Pittsburgh Zoo has a huge display of the various 'dragon' seahorses. The entire entryway is dedicated to a central tank with them in it. It is never a problem for visitors to get as close to the circular tank as they want. We take our kids there half a dozen times a year to see them. The...
  16. tracymace1229

    Unusual Dottybacks/Pseudochromis

    I saw this guy at one LFS 3 weeks ago and they did not know what he was. I wasn't sure if he was a basslet, wrasse or what. They wanted $20 for him. I went back a week later after I was sure he was a dottyback but could not ID him from memory. Since I was buying blind I asked if they would...
  17. tracymace1229

    Echidna catenata

    the chainlink moray eel. Can anyone give me some insight. So far half the sights online say the fish is under 30" max growth and half state that it gets 165 cm {about 5 feet} So what is it??? They also require from 30 gallon to 130 gallon minimum what is it?? I've read that they...
  18. tracymace1229

    Kole Tang.

    I just got one too last week. He was shy for a day and a half, then went to work on my hair algea and he picks at the sand. I guess they have teeth that permit them to 'rake' the substrate. Since my tank is new and only stocked with my older fish/rocks....I did not quarantine mine. He was at...
  19. tracymace1229

    any comments or advise welcome....Oysters

    I eventually want to get a few hardy zoos, mushroom ricordia and a bubble tip for my DT. What would you suggest I use to bump my calcium levels? thanks for the reply??
  20. tracymace1229

    any comments or advise welcome....Oysters

    Hello, Last month while on vacation I harvested some tidal oysters from Georgia. I did this after consulting with the folks at the GA Marine Extension. I also purchased some bleached and very inexpensive sea fans from a shop. I ended with about 4 handfuls. The little buggers have a few dozen...