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  1. manycolors

    Losing coral/color

    I have about 3 different types of SPS in my tank along with a few different colonies of frogspawn and a torch coral and also some other misc. things like a clam, and a few softies. So what has been going on is I have a 250W MH over my 50 gal. tank. The 20k bulb I had in there was about a year...
  2. manycolors

    Glass cleaner?

    The windex on a towel or rag does work, But I have found a way that works without any glass cleaner. Take a damp towel or rag (100% cotton) I say this because my tank is acrylic, and wash off all the salt spots and whatever else might be on the outside of the tank. Now you will be left with a...
  3. manycolors

    Another anemone in the powerhead... still alive

    Good news, the anemone seems like its pulling itself back together, I am not so sure how long until he is healthy again, i'd guess a while, I did a 5 gallon water change to get the water quality as high as i can during this critical period. Thanks rlablan fer the idea, i'll give it a try and...
  4. manycolors

    Another anemone in the powerhead... still alive

    thanks for the reply, He is holding onto the rock and moves a little bit so I don't want to flush him yet, but I don't want to wake up in the morning to find him stuck to the powerhead again from floating around
  5. manycolors

    Another anemone in the powerhead... still alive

    I walked into my room about 5 minutes ago and saw my GBTA stuck to the front of my mp20. I quickly pulled him off and set him on the rock. he is in tough shape. its like the middle of his body was chopped up all the way through to his mouth. he did attach to the rock but he looks like a doughnut...
  6. manycolors

    Looking for some advice...

    ok, thanks for the help... my next question is, How do I hang it? I do not have a hood for my tank, and if possible, I would like to find a way to hang it without one
  7. manycolors

    Looking for some advice...

    I have a 50 Gallon "Show" tank, 30 wide X 18 long X 18 deep. I currently have a 24in. NOVA VHO (4 bulb, 2 actinic, 2 10K). I am buying a coralife 250W pendant MH for the tank. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to run both the lights together? I also dont know much about metal halides...
  8. manycolors

    From the ocean to my tank...

    Thanks for the ideas, I think i might boil, wash/scrub and then let it dry out for a while, that sound like a pretty safe way to go about it
  9. manycolors

    From the ocean to my tank...

    My mom went on vacation and she brought me back as a gift, a rock from the shore for my tank. The rock looks close to the other rocks in my tank so it would fit nicely. But the rock was under water on the shore so i'm guessing, living in the rock there are thousands if not millions of living...
  10. manycolors

    Please help....

    I have moved the torch to a location around the back bottom of the tank where she does not touch it, it has been about 24hours now since i have moved it, i'll give it a couple days and see if there is improvement, if there is then i will move it back and if the clown hosts it again i might have...
  11. manycolors

    Please help....

    I feed a rotation of omega 1 flake and mysis, and frozen mysis. i look into other quality frozen foods
  12. manycolors

    Stupid clown...

  13. manycolors

    Please help....

    No, she pretty much dominates the other clown, but she does sleep in my torch coral and burries herself in between the skeloton of it, maybe thats it, i took it out and i'll see if it gets better, but if anyone has any other ideas let me know....
  14. manycolors

    Please help....

    another clown and a shrimp... thther clown is much smaller
  15. manycolors

    Please help....

    here is a picture...
  16. manycolors

    Please help....

    my clownfish has an open soar on the right side of his body, it started out looking like agetated skin about 2 weeks ago and now it looks like a gash, any ideas?
  17. manycolors

    Stupid clown...

    ok....another queston- Just to clarify, i have 2 clowns (false perc) and 3 anemones (1 RBTA, 2 GBTA) a torch and a frogspawn and other stuff BUT... my larger clown is hosting my torch...still. but the torch seems to be doing alright so far, so i'm just going to let it fly until she starts being...
  18. manycolors

    Coming back to life?

    i turned the powerhead so it is still in high flow, but not direct. and someday i might get a MH but for now i guess i'll just see what happens