Search results

  1. breiwa1

    Section 8 Housing

    Yeah section 8 is pretty great. I am so happy to have the scumbags in my neighborhood. It really burns me up. The yards are unkempt, sidewalks never shoveled garbage out in front that nobody would bother to pick up. Why would they? It is not there problem, right? The greatest was the guy at cub...
  2. breiwa1

    Idea? underwater solar equipment

    Laughable. First of all you would need to mount the sun above the tank if you wanted the panel to be the size of a power head or you would need a panel the size of a dodge. Plus if you were running a light capable of making any power at all you would be drawing 1000's of watts, why you care...
  3. breiwa1

    Octopus NW-150 Set up questions

    Thanks for the input. What water level does yours sit in? I have been running it for three weeks. Does anyone have any pictures of a gate valve mod? I would like to see what looks like. How about air adjustments? Or do I want as much air as possible? Thanks again.
  4. breiwa1

    Red Sea Prizm Pro Deluxe Skimmer

    I was using this exact skimmer and although it did work ok, I had a lot of problems. The biggest was overflowing. It would skim fine for a day or two and all of the sudden over flow, big time. I did band aid the problem by drilling a hole high on the collection cup so it would dump back into the...
  5. breiwa1

    Octopus NW-150 Set up questions

    *Mods this may be in the wrong forum could you move it to diy equipment I recently upgraded my crummy red sea HOB skimmer to an in sump set up. The sump thing is new to me since I was using wet dry set up before. So now with the sump I am having a little trouble getting the octopus skimmer to...
  6. breiwa1

    Palin and AIG

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I fixed your post for you.
  7. breiwa1

    Palin and AIG

    Then Palin's mini skirts are also a moot point as the money was raised by the republican party. I am only as angry as you are ignorant. Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy Your Point???? Obama have raised and spent more money YES. He keeps raising money because people knows he needs it to...
  8. breiwa1

    Palin and AIG

    It does not change the fact that Nobama and his party have spent more than anyone one in history to make people like them. They even bought a tv channel Originally Posted by bionicarm Why would the Democrats be scared of Caribou Barbie? Polls now show she's more a detriment to McCain's...
  9. breiwa1

    Palin and AIG

    You seem very confused on the subject of public image. Although I notice you do quite a bit of leftwing trolling around here and definetly only see one side of the coin. Do you honestly think Nobama walks out on stage in a cheap suit? Or his wife for that matter. He and his party have spent...
  10. breiwa1

    Redisribution of wealth----Poll

    Originally Posted by Rylan1 Some people do.. that the problem with some republicans... Its not about a handout or being too lazy... Regardless of the circumstance... you can't live on that w/o some sort of assistance.. let alone pay for health ins. This is the most disgusting outlook on life...
  11. breiwa1

    Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???

    Yes. I would love to see it, teachers too.
  12. breiwa1

    Bush's War

    Originally Posted by breiwa1 Why is it that when I read all your posts, it seems you hate America? That is the only thing you have truely coneyed to me. I am sick and tired of people like you crying about defense. IT HAS TO BE DONE. Do you have any clue why we are the greatest nation? We fought...
  13. breiwa1

    Bush's War

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 You guys are stuck on stupid. I guess it's my fault for going off on a tangent to try and provide an analogy of why I despise this war you seem so adamant to continue. You have this knack for reading into everyting I say. Look at the broader picture, and READ...
  14. breiwa1

    Bush's War

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 Say what? What does Chuck Yeager have to do with anything? Sure I know him. He's that guy who was in that space movie. Flew them airplanes real fast. Didn't want to be one of them astronauts. I actually met him one time. Real down to earth person. Getting...
  15. breiwa1

    Bush's War

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 Now there's an original comeback. I was waiting for the "If you don't like it here, go live somewhere else" retort. I have no desire to go live there. I grew up in this country with its cultures, mannerisms, and philosophies. I have no problem with where I...
  16. breiwa1

    Bush's War

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 Crash, your arrogant ego about our country being the Dominant Power of The World is what keeps other nations hating us so much. You actually think the modern civilizations of the World would cease to exist because we're not around? You chastise Russian and...
  17. breiwa1

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    Maroon and Condi
  18. breiwa1

    Is there too much rock in my tank

    I think it looks great. Rule of thumb I have always read on this board is 1-2lbs per gallon. Looks like you could use about 10 more lbs :) Of course I have 120lbs in a 60 so I might just like a lot of live rock. The bright side is when you upgrade to a bigger tank you are set on rock!
  19. breiwa1

    NOT a big fan of TATTOOS ESPECIALLY on Women!

    Some look hot, so do not. I have one from when I used to think I was cool, I do not regret getting it, but no longer think it is as cool as I once did. That being said, different strokes for different folks.
  20. breiwa1

    Do you have another addicting hobby?

    Sadly this is one of the cheapest hobbies I have. My favorite is restoring my 1900 dutch colonial home, a close second would be collecting vintage guitars and tube amplifiers, third is fresh water pond and saltwater tank. I am surprised I can even afford to eat.